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A Path

Life & Events > Back to San Juan 20081124

Back to San Juan 20081124

On the drive up to San Juan, at one point we needed to change and one of guys said, "go ahead, we have the right of mass". It was quite funny at the time.

We took the "scenic route" around the west side of the island, which of course means it was much longer and the quotes mean NOT. Traffic and one town after another. Everyone said that was the scenic route, but we didn't agree. We did see some ocean and a light house, but that didn't make it worth that drive. We could have taken a side road and gone down to Arecibo, but most of us thought it wasn't worth the one hour detour to drive there and back. I don't know if they let people wander around there anyway. Probably not. It's not really a tourist destination, except for geeky types.

When we arrived in San Juan this evening, we did the usual thing of walking around shopping and then dinner. We were too late for me to take Spots to the garden area with the pools, so it's just as well that we did that last week, even though the pictures from that were without Spots.

The only thing I was looking for was another dolphin towel for Kitty. The last two years I have found different dolphin-themed beach towels for her. She uses them as bath towels. Before I left, Dolly helped me to take pictures of the two with my phone, so I would know what they looked like and didn't repeat them. The store had four different ones, which included those two and one good one for the addition.

I kept thinking of the song from Les Miz today that includes one more day, one day more. Not that I'm ready to go home or anything.

In the morning I have to figure out how to fit the boss's "extra" stuff into my luggage. It should all fit because I'm minus the box of Powerbars I brought. She brought so much stuff, including extra work in case she had time. When she told us that I ticked off and was thinking she's crazy. Between their long days in the water, the post-boat summary and recap, showering, happy hour, and a leisurely dinner, where exactly was this extra time? I know it was just a bunch of paperwork, but it all takes up space and adds weight. It's like she doesn't understand the distribution of weight. For example, an extra camera. She said she'll carry it, so it wasn't anything extra that we would have to pack and carry, but, to make room for it in one of her bags, something had to move to one of our bags, mine. Seems simple to me. Our total load still increases.

Whatever. Airplane ride tomorrow.

Meals this trip have reminded me that people have different attitudes about eating. Apparently many people send a lot time thinking about it and live to eat, instead of the other way around.

posted on Nov 25, 2008 3:51 AM ()


I am sure you are really looking forward to getting home! It sounds like you had a successful towel-hunt!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 25, 2008 8:24 AM ()
Is Spots ready to go home too?
comment by ducky on Nov 25, 2008 7:58 AM ()
I kinda like it when you're a bit cranky.

I thought you were a "geeky type".

Hooray for the towel and hooray for going home. Safe trip.
comment by janetk on Nov 25, 2008 7:49 AM ()
YAY HOME!!! I love food so I might be one of those live to eat types...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 25, 2008 6:11 AM ()

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