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Life & Events > Winter is A'coming

Winter is A'coming

When we first moved to Utah in September, 2004, we anticipated winter with a positive attitude and we were fascinated by the snow. My wife, a life long Floridian, had never seen snow before. I had at least had a few winters in upstate New York back in my college days. So, as new Utahns, we wandered out into the snowfall in awe. I’m sure the neighbors stared out their double-paned windows thinking, “There go those weird Florida people.”

All that has changed. We are facing our ninth Utah winter with the kind of anticipation one brings to the dentist’s office. Because we own no power equipment, we are dependent upon the kindness of those who do to render our very long driveway passable once it fills up with snow. Last winter it was a friend with a plow attached to the front of his truck; I hope he treats us kindly again this winter.

I know that I will be sorely tested to maintain my morning jogging regimen once the snow and below-freezing temperatures arrive. Then I worry about my wife who has twice slipped and fallen on icy surfaces. Two years ago she crashed into the wooden panel fence and dislodged it from its post. Four years ago, she went down in the driveway and broke her wrist, the most painful experience of her life.

So I look out my window as I write this, the sun coming up over the bench and beginning the climb into the low seventies, the junipers and pinions overseeing the sage brush, and it is as if I am watching a child leave home. Soon this halcyon Indian Summer will be gone, replaced by huge clumps of white snow sagging the juniper limbs, freezing winds, and mornings shoveling paths through the accumulating drifts of snow.
I wonder if that place where Greatmartin lives has any available apartments…

posted on Oct 31, 2012 8:27 AM ()


I actually am looking forward to snow, since this summer here was detestable. But please watch out for falls, you and your wife! Me, I'd put a walker, or ski poles, or SOMETHING outside on the front porch so I was never tempted to try a snowy driveway without some fall-prevention. A quad cane, maybe. They're not just for the cool kids anymore.
comment by drmaus on Nov 4, 2012 8:27 PM ()
Get her some Yaktrax. They slip over your shoes or boots and keep you from slipping on the ice. I can barely stay upright in good weather so I don't leave home without them in the winter. Google the name and you'll see them. Um, you do know that you can hire people to plow your driveway, right?
comment by catdancer on Nov 4, 2012 6:24 PM ()
Actually, I have a pair of something like what you're talking about. I'd forgotten all about 'em. As for hiring help, fortunately I've been able to rely on the gratis efforts of friendly neighbors so far.
reply by steve on Nov 4, 2012 6:39 PM ()
When I was teaching, with every first year's snow, the kids would get so excited they'd pee their pants. Of course, I did too, hoping for a possible snow day. Eventually, with new rules, we had to make them up.
comment by solitaire on Nov 1, 2012 5:09 AM ()
Rather a disgusting admission.... too much information!!!
reply by steve on Nov 1, 2012 1:05 PM ()
have never seen snow myself and from what i hear how cold it has to be not interested iether we are into November now the last month of spring and it has been a cold one-- summer getting closer --soon will be moaning about the heat, especially when it gets to over 100F -our rainfall is pretty low and the car gets dust all year got to wash it again[LOLlol]
comment by kevinshere on Oct 31, 2012 11:41 PM ()
Your neck-o-the-woods sounds better all the time, buddy.
reply by steve on Nov 1, 2012 1:06 PM ()
I don't look forward to snow either. The worst part around here it the lake-effect that blows through every other day. Can't keep a vehicle clean for even a few days because the roads are always wet. What a difference a few miles makes. It wasn't like this on the other side of the mountains.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 31, 2012 4:29 PM ()
I know what you mean. I've stopped washing my truck, even in summer, b/c the blowing dust coats it constantly. In winter, it's either snow or mud.
reply by steve on Oct 31, 2012 5:35 PM ()
The only part of snow I didn't like in the north was when it melted creating pools of slush and water at cross walks because building supers only cleared the walks in front of their buildings and ignored the corners. Then auto traffic turned the snow black and if there was another cold snap, we'd get treacherous black ice. It once took me an hour to walk 5 blocks because of minced steps on an iced sidewalk, but I did not fall. If I lived where you do, I'd stockpile supplies resign myself to staying near home after a snow, build lots of snow men, and/or get the equipment that would make it easy to clear the snow without getting a heart attack. Despite it all, I miss snow. I have photos of the trees and streets near our former building in Queens, full of snow. There is nothing more beautiful than branches full of snow. Go back and look at the photo in Cat dancer's last post that jondude painted. Now and then I take those photos out and sigh.
comment by tealstar on Oct 31, 2012 1:21 PM ()
Ah, you have a romantic heart, and with it the idealized perspective of an EX-northerner. I will admit that I find snowfall beautiful, and there are few more picturesque views than juniper trees laden with snow, or a country fence line in the snow winding up a hill. But it is also damned inconvenient, even dangerous, and so like everything else we take the bad with the good.
reply by steve on Oct 31, 2012 2:31 PM ()
I've only had to shovel snow twice, but it was enough to be grateful I don't have to. Perhaps your wife should consider hibernating.
comment by maggiemae on Oct 31, 2012 11:58 AM ()
That will come soon, but she can't retire just yet.
reply by steve on Oct 31, 2012 2:32 PM ()
I wonder if special shoes would help your wife stay upright on the ice?
I am super cautious when there is ice on the ground, fortunately we don't
have much ice here.
comment by elderjane on Oct 31, 2012 9:50 AM ()
In truth, she's a bit of a klutz, they'd have to be REALLY SPECIAL shoes.
reply by steve on Oct 31, 2012 10:28 AM ()

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