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Entertainment > Music > The Loss of Music

The Loss of Music

So many great composers and musicians die young.  One can only wonder "what if..." when considering their early demise. 
First, the classical composers who would have blessed us with more gorgeous music had they but lived longer.
Mozart  Died at age 35.  The acknowledged greatest natural musical genius who ever lived.
Schubert  Died at 31.  Rated by many as just behind Mozart in spontaneous creativity.  He was very productive and, had he lived longer, would surely have written much more beautiful music. One of my personal favorites.
Mendelssohn  38   Wrote wonderful melodies that were uplifting and graceful.  If you've ever watched the movie "Breaking Away," you've enjoyed his 4th Symphony.
Schumann   46   Died in an asylum after a nervous breakdown. He is regarded as the incarnation of the spirit of Romanticism.
Chopin  39   Tuberculosis killed this composer of short pieces of intense, poetic piano music filled with feeling.  I enjoy listening to his work when I get in bed at night.
Bizet  36   Composed the opera "Carmen."  Nuff said.
Mussorgsky   42   An alcoholic, he was the most nationalistic Russian composer. Wrote "Pictures at an Exhibition" & "A Night on Bald Mountain."
Gershwin  39  I could cry when I think of what this great American composer would have written if granted a longer life.  In some weeks, I will listen to "Rhapsody in Blue" every day.  Then there is his opera "Porcy & Bess," not to mention all that great popular music.
Speaking of "popular music," so as not to slight non-classical musicians, the list of rock stars who have died early deaths is astonishing.  My list  below has 27 names, and they're just the ones I've heard of.  I will list the musician's name, age at death, and cause of death.
John Lennon          40          Murdered
Bobby Darin           37          Heart attack
Jim Croce               30          Airplane crash
Jimi Hendrix           27          Drug OD
Janice Joplin          27          Drug OD
Buddy Holly           22          Airplane crash
Bob Marley            36          Cancer
Frankie Lymon       25          Drug OD
Karen Carpenter   33          Anorexia
Tom Fogerty          49          Heart attack
Kurt Cobain           27          Suicide
Cass Elliot             32          Choked
Dennis Wilson       39          Drowned
Jackie Wilson         49         Heart attack/coma
Sid Vicious             21          Drug OD
Minnie Ripperton   30          Cancer
Sam Cooke            33         Murdered
Gene Vincent         36          Alcohol
Tupac Shakur         25         Murdered
Rick Nelson            45          Plane crash
JP Richardson (the Big Bopper)  24     Plane crash
Otis Redding         26          Plane crash
Richie Valens         17          Plane crash
Clyde McPhatter    38         Alcoholism
Ronnie Van Zant   29          Plane crash
Phil Ochs               35          Suicide
Jim Morrison          27          Heart attack
Fortunately, their music never dies... 

posted on Nov 20, 2012 7:03 PM ()


Joplin always sounded to me like she was having a bowel movement.
comment by tealstar on Nov 21, 2012 9:24 PM ()
...too much information...
reply by steve on Nov 22, 2012 10:08 AM ()
I love all kinds of music but have a more emotional reaction to art. Monet,
Van Gogh, Renoir and Manet actually make me have chill bumps and a feeling
of euphoria.
comment by elderjane on Nov 21, 2012 5:50 PM ()
You are obviously a VISUAL person...
reply by steve on Nov 22, 2012 10:07 AM ()
Maybe Randy calls him the Shark.
comment by catdancer on Nov 21, 2012 5:11 PM ()
reply by steve on Nov 22, 2012 10:04 AM ()
What a sad list! I'm a Motown, R&B, Blues fan - but there's nothing like Mozart's Violin Sonatas.
comment by catdancer on Nov 21, 2012 5:09 PM ()
I love the sonata form... I guess Beethoven's piano sonatas head my list.
reply by steve on Nov 22, 2012 10:05 AM ()
You have an ecumenical appreciation of music. I don't share all of your honorees, being hopelessly mired in classical music -- my "pop" icons are the balladeers of the 40s and I consider them classical -- Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Kay Starr, Peggy Lee, Nat Cole, Perry Como, Crong Bisby (I play with this name because I consider his personal life was not admirable). Nary an OD in the lot.
comment by tealstar on Nov 21, 2012 6:01 AM ()
Don't consider the list of rockers "honorees." I listed them only for the reason I stated. Many I'd never bother to listen to at all. I mean, Sid Vicious??? I would consider John Lennon the sole honoree, if you will, in the lot, and I also confess to enjoying the music of Darin, Joplin, and even McPhatter when I'm in the mood. But, like you, I rarely listen to non-classical, the primary exception being jazz on occasion.
reply by steve on Nov 21, 2012 12:38 PM ()
Some "musicians" I don't care about, but the Gershwins, Mozarts, etc.--now that's tragic. And my son was, in a sense, named after Bobby--Darin!
comment by solitaire on Nov 21, 2012 5:53 AM ()
Does that mean you call him Mack the Knife??
reply by steve on Nov 21, 2012 12:39 PM ()

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