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Politics & Legal > Even the Status Quo Doesn't Stay the Same

Even the Status Quo Doesn't Stay the Same

Sometimes I think status
is Latin for the mess we’re in.  It’s being reported that the undeterred party
of “No” aka the GOP has learned nothing from the recent election.  The sour senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell, is sounding just
as intransigent as before.  John Boehner
is still leading from behind.  The
speakers for the so-called Tea Party are still as shrill and unrealistic as

It seems incredible to me that Mitt Romney actually tallied
over 57 million votes, only 3 million less than President Obama, until I
remember that this is the same country of voters who twice put George W. Bush into the White House.  Poor Obama came into office at a terrible
time (that is, post-Bush) and has had to suffer the Republicans claiming that
he’s not cleaned up their mess quickly enough.  Politics is far and away the dirtiest word in the language!

My guess is that if the Republicans don’t figure out that
they need to significantly modify their persona,
they will soon be persona non grata.   There’s
some Latin for you.  Perhaps another term
for it would be dead in the water.  It won’t be long before they go the way of
their predecessors, the Whigs, and the aptly named Know Nothings. 

The times, they are a’changing, but Bob Dylan is 70 years old
now and the transformative time of the Sixties was nothing compared to what’s

posted on Nov 20, 2012 6:49 AM ()


Jeremy, (jerms) dropped by the other day to visit and even he, a staunch
Republican, can see the mistakes they made with women voters. The young
Latino women are refusing to be barefoot and pregnant like their moms.
He pastors a mostly Latino church in Oklahoma City and lives less than a
mile from us.
comment by elderjane on Nov 21, 2012 5:53 PM ()
No comment. I'm done with politics and "on vacation"!
comment by solitaire on Nov 21, 2012 5:50 AM ()
Now that the billionaires know they have to spend more than this year's $300 million to get a Republican president, they'll buy more ads on Telemundo Channel.
comment by troutbend on Nov 20, 2012 11:39 AM ()
A truly republican solution to their problem...
reply by steve on Nov 20, 2012 12:07 PM ()
Marco Rubio, to respond to your comment to miker, is the darling of the tea party. Before they came into power, he was more or less a moderate, but shifted right because he thought it would gain him political advantage. If he is the future of the Republican Party, they are doomed. He is not unlike Romney (although perhaps he is a bit smarter) in that he will say whatever is expedient to enhance his career and upward mobility. He impresses me not at all and if he were my son, I'd try for a retroactive abortion.
comment by tealstar on Nov 20, 2012 8:19 AM ()
Even tho' I've been away from Fla. for some years now, a guy like Rubio is pretty transparent. I was not mentioning them to miker in a positive way.
reply by steve on Nov 20, 2012 10:21 AM ()
I just posted a comment on Mitch McConnell's Facebook page telling him that he and his colleagues appear to have learned nothing form the recent election. I said his opposition to the Rice nomination was sheer partisan politics and would catch up with them in 2014 if they continued these tactics.
comment by tealstar on Nov 20, 2012 8:17 AM ()
Good for you! The guy's got no business representing honest people.
reply by steve on Nov 20, 2012 10:19 AM ()
Some Republicans are finally advocating immigration reform, not because they think it is the right thing to do, but because they realize it will be very hard to ever win a national election again with 75% of the country's fastest growing demographic voting against you.
comment by miker on Nov 20, 2012 7:00 AM ()
Then you have those two oft-mentioned Florida republicans: Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American, and Jeb (argghh) Bush, whose wife is Mexican.
reply by steve on Nov 20, 2012 7:06 AM ()

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