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Here I AM Again Still Going
Here I AM Again Still Going
The energizer Bunny must be envious!
I wrote last time that my sister is out of pain. I foolishly assumed that because she had been so long sick, so long dying, that the relief would be my only response. More the fool I.
It has been five months and last weekend I was surprised by Joy!
A lifelong friend collected me and took me to the World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago. Another friend paid admission for my attendant to go along and look after me. This being the 8th Wo0rldCon in Chicago, it was called ChiCon 8I had fun! I saw friends from all over the globe, I went to a Blinkie Workshop and Soldered up a new blinkie for me, and one for my host. I attended a few workshops, some better than others.
My favorite was one that was a discussion Group for Authors and People with disabilities. or limitations, as some prefer to call them. A seemingly intelligent man allowed as he didn't need to be crippled for his protagonist to be a paraplegic Detective. An Iraq War vet slid out of his chair and said, "Take my wheelchair and my attendant down to the bathroom at the end of the hall. If you can do it in less than 15 minutes I'll give you twenty bucks.So the Author got into the chair, rolled confidently through the linoleum tiled room to the door, onto the plush carpet in the hall. At which point the attendant offered to push the chair. He said he was in great shape, and I, who have made that 40 minute trip on plush carpet, said nothing.20 minutes later, he returned in the chair being pushed by the attendant. Humbled, far less arrogant. He gave the vet twenty bucks "For the lesson." and thanked him. That's all for now. Hugs all round.
posted on Sept 9, 2022 8:21 PM ()
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