Fredo, it’s good to know you’re still on the same planet as I’m on. It does my heart good. Just when I’m feeling like an old lady because I’ll be 75 in December, all my online friends start telling me their ages. Happy Birthdays to everyone! ?????????
Dear TealStar, I found your message in “junk” this morning. I was so excited that, as I was moving it to my inbox, it just disappeared, leaving no trace. I don’t know how often you come here. If you read this, please email me at: poliogirrl at att dot net My friend was here unexpectedly this morning. She brought me a loaf of bread she baked. I had it with 2 pieces of deviled egg, and my tummy and heart were full. I so wished we could have toast and tea together. I have made a resolution that ten things must leave my house every week. I always find more than ten! A friend suggested I read “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning..” I declined, saying, “Why sit and read when what I want is to DO?” I hope to have you back in my life soon. If anyone is in touch with Tealstar, tell her to read this message, Please!
My mother, born in Florida in 1921, left as a teen to get away from the racism and lynchings. She rarely went back to visit. She warned her children never to live South of the Mason-Dixon Line. I’m called Stella here. You know me as stephy. I hope you still have email, and will send it to: poliogirrl at att dot net I’m not giving you up without a fight. Warm hugs.
I just remembered that my photos live on another page! Go there to see my shirt!
If I am lucky enough to live sober until October 11, I will be observing my 39th Anniversary of sobriety, with much gratitude to the Community of Alcoholics Anonymous. Smile heart
Hi Teal, my dear, I hope Ian has not left you and your home like drowned cats! I've been sending good wishes to you & yours since Ian hit Key West. I hope you and yours are high and dry. My heart and thoughts are with you. Hugs heart smiles, Stella
I wish someone had taught me 50 years ago to unplug things when I lose power. We lose power entirely too frequently, and the reboot burned out the brain on my television one time, and a new computer another time. I’m 72 now, and grateful to learn this. It’s NEVER too late to learn. Thank you!
It’s not just Florida. I’ve seen it in Illinois, Wisconsin, Georgia, and New York.
Freedom- Stella here. Been gone a long time while my sister battled Multiple Myeloma. I was unaware you were not well, but I celebrate you recovering. Remember, the speed does not matter, just keep moving forward. Wishing you good health! Cheers, Stella
Hi tealstar, There is a small oxygen concentrator, about two pounds, made by Inogen, so he won’t have to worry about running out of oxygen. The name of that company again, in INOGEN. Cheers, Stella
Teens tend to believe that once they get their Driver’s License, they are drivers. Not so. In Illinois, it is suggested that an adult supervise the first 25 hours of a teen’s post License driving. In my family the number of hours is increased by a factor of ten. Two hundred and fifty hours. The new driver does ALL the driving, in all the vehicles. We visit out of town relatives, go on vacations, grocery and other shopping. A competent driver is the co-pilot. There is no yelling, no radio playing. Before we loose a 16 year old on the road with a couple of tons of vehicle, they learn to handle all the vehicles in the family. It’s not that we don’t trust them. It is that there are lots of people driving cars badly or impaired, too young or too old, and we want them to know how to keep themselves safe. It also keeps insurance claims away. Hints: Hit the bunny in the road. At 55 mph, you don’t want to have your vehicle out of control. DO swerve or slow to avoid a deer. They not only trash the front end, they also come through the windshield and kill you. Snow & ice? Proceed carefully to an empty parking lot and practice driving out of skids by driving into, then out of them. It’s counterintuitive, so practice! Being a safe driver is VERY COOL!!
The piece of tape on Irene’s chest keeps a small Fentanyl pain relief patch from falling off. She has breakthrough pain, which is treated with morphine shots, alternating with pain pills. This may be better managed with Palliative Care. I sure hope so.
See next post for picture of Irene
Beedith and I were close friends, starting in 1967. I miss her, but knowing how much she suffered with Scleroderma, I would not call her back. She was a kindhearted soul, flying free in the Universe, free from pain. Thanks, traveltales, for remembering her with me. Did I mention that she was a woman whose outer beauty reflected her soul?
Hi folks, Amazing as it may seem, I’m here again. I’m now 72 years old, and I’m still alive! I’ve been essentially quarantined at home except or doctors, and visiting my sister, who has Multiple Myeloma, and is now in a Nursing Home, while her partner of 60 years lives in there home alone. Some maggot who worked at the Nursing home believed that the Vaccines for COVID-19 were a government plot against him infected my sis with COVID-19 Delta. She was in critical condition for a month, but has survived. She is back on Chemotherapy again. Still crazy after all these years.