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Life & Events > My Friend Frank

My Friend Frank

[This is a follow-up to my story about the surprise birthday party for my friend Frank.]
Frank was a selfish man, a good lawyer, a moody, intelligent, complicated guy. I used to kid that he had clenched hair. I met him on the first work day of January 1972. We were introduced while standing on the corner by the courthouse. While we stood there, a bird crapped on the shoulder of his brand new suit.
He made lots of money and lived high off the hog: big fancy home; big fancy car; big expensive boat; etc. He and I were very different people but I recognized that he needed a friend and I became that friend. It only lasted a couple of years. My wife became prego, we decided we didn’t wish to raise a child where we were, and so we pulled up stakes and headed north. I visited back there twice but we had drifted apart by then and, besides, I was never into his life style.
I said that he was a selfish man. The day came when he had the opportunity to do something extremely unselfish for a friend & he didn’t let the friend down. He was a match and he agreed to donate a kidney. They were rolled into the OR. I found out all this much later. Something went terribly wrong; the friend got a good kidney from Frank, but Frank suffered brain damage. This intelligent, vital, productive man was never the same. He died a couple of years later.
I was attending to my client in north Florida when I got a phone call. As soon as the secretary told me who was calling, I knew. “When is the funeral?” I asked him. “In two hours.” Since I was at the opposite end of the State of Florida, I couldn’t attend.
Despite all Frank’s professional success, a bird had crapped on him again. I think about my friend Frank often. Our short time together was good for both of us. I miss him a lot.

posted on May 2, 2013 7:19 PM ()


So sorry for his tragedy. You were a good friend.

I was on my way to a job interview in New York and it started to rain. I had no umbrella and walked close to the buildings to take advantage of the overhangs. Bad idea. A bird crapped on my coat. I got to the interview, went to the loo, tried to clean the coat. It was never the same. Something in bird crap is evil. Nothing came of that interview. An omen?
comment by tealstar on May 3, 2013 5:54 AM ()
S##t happens, but kidding aside, what a story - full of irony.
comment by elderjane on May 2, 2013 7:53 PM ()

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