I don’t fear bugs; I hate them. Why do they even exist, anyway? Some, like the bees and such that pollinate flowers, are okay. They serve a useful purpose. But what about ants? These little colonists are all over the place. Nothing seems to eradicate them. I believe they are just waiting to take over the earth after humanity exterminates itself. No H-bomb will wipe out the ants. They are an industrious, advanced society, I guess, although I did see an ant war once.
It was big red ants versus little red ants. The little guys had the big ones seriously outnumbered. Six or eight small ants would gang up on one big one and leave him dead on the spot. There seemed to be casualty removal occurring, since I would notice that the dead ones kept disappearing, though it was hard to spot in all the confusion of hundreds of ants swarming all over each other. I wondered if it was purely territorial, or could it have been political? They say ants communicate. They probably communicate better than congressmen.
Flies and roaches, spiders and gnats, they should all disappear as far as I’m concerned. Then there are the dreaded no-see-ums. These are like miniature stealth bombers flying in packs. Where’s my bug spray?