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Education > On Information

On Information

WE ARE AN information society.  Modern technology has produced this phenomenon.  On TV we can watch Infomercials.  Even in the regular network programming, advertising information dominates a significant percentage of air time, even on so-called news networks.  The Internet, of course, has expanded the Information Age exponentially. 
But of what benefit is information without understanding?  I want to attempt to distinguish INFORMATION from KNOWLEDGE.
INFORMATION is nothing more than untethered facts; KNOWLEDGE is what can be gained by pulling the facts together into a unified whole called comprehension. 
INFORMATION is raw data; KNOWLEDGE is recognizing the relationship between that data and other facts and ideas, comprehending the implications of those relationships.
A person armed only with information is a mere carpenter; progress to knowledge and you might have an architect.
Information is a list; knowledge is a book.
Gertrude Stein once wrote:  "Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense."  Perhaps this is what we refer to these days as the "dumbing down" of our society.  How often do we hear people attempting to impart information who are unable to converse in complete sentences? 
I tune out when I hear someone using the word "like" as a punctuation mark. 

posted on July 26, 2013 10:45 AM ()


Knowledge comes from the assimilation of facts and experience. I see it more as a checking of facts aided by experience. You can know something
intellectually but until you have used it in actual practice and have seen it
work....oh well. I was thinking of therapy when I wrote this which I see
as heart knowledge.
comment by elderjane on July 27, 2013 10:14 AM ()
Struggling with knowledge here.
comment by tealstar on July 26, 2013 8:24 PM ()
One of my pet peeves is how people forward emails or share Facebook posts without even checking on the accuracy of what they are sending (posting). They haven't the slightest interest in the truth; just an interest in passing along claims that back up their beliefs and prejudices.
comment by miker on July 26, 2013 1:23 PM ()
Michelle Bachmann, for example.
reply by steeve on July 26, 2013 2:13 PM ()
Facts are harder to discern. Public libraries have guides and librarians to help you find reliable sources; the internet has unfortunately almost destroyed the "authority" site. If you want to find out something, most people's first destination is Wikipedia. And Wikipedia's all made by contributors -- volunteers. Even I have edited it, and I know nothing.
comment by drmaus on July 26, 2013 12:47 PM ()

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