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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > Stepmom Trouble, Again ... Sigh ...

Stepmom Trouble, Again ... Sigh ...

Although I've been feeling great while taking care of myself and my family ... trouble has been brewing at my ex-husbands regarding his ignorant wife again. Seems there is always some kind of price to pay in exchange for happiness and that crazy chick is IT! LOL

And so I've had re-engage with my ex because the kids are hearing all kinds of stupid things from their stepmom that kids simply shouldn't have to hear. I don't know if my ex-husband is simply immune or desensitized to his wife's CRAP, or if he just doesn't give a damn, but I am SICK to death of her harrasing my kids.

I have been calling out his wife's inappropriate behavior lately with emails to my ex, in the hopes that he will do something about it before his other two kids walk out the door, never to return or speak to him again like our oldest has done. At the very least, perhaps he'll be embarrassed enough to tell his wife to 'SHUT UP ALREADY'!

Here is the first email I have sent regarding recent events:

Dear Ex-husband,

I usually just keep my mouth shut, but this time, I can't.

As Sara was walking out to my car after school on Friday, I witnessed your wife screaming out your garage door at her that she (your wife) is not making any more doctors appointments for Sara! Is this "your wife's" ammunition against Sara because they had an argument? Sara was disrespectful as "your wife" has accused her of being and now Sara no longer gets the benefits of health care?

And as you already know, "your wife" was apparently mistaken about the arrangements that you and I previously made regarding Jake's lacrosse equipment, when she refused to let Sara get it the first time I was at your house, to which I made a second trip to your house to retrieve it.

And I saw several text messages from "your wife" to Sara on Friday afternoon, one of which basically told Sara to "kiss her soccer career goodbye".

And now this morning, I hear from Jake that "your wife" "hopes she doesn't go to jail" because I made a decision to not drive in yesterdays weather? Is she for real? The kids have missed two days in all these years that they have been going to the school near you, due to what I considered dangerous weather. TWO days. Yesterday didn't turn out to be as bad as they were predicting, but I thought it would be treacherous to drive them to school and home again in the afternoon. I called the kids attendance office's to report their absence yesterday morning. "Your wife" won't go to jail because I kept our children safely home yesterday, anymore than she will go to jail for her taking the kids out of school for two days for a family vacation to Colorado last year. Honestly! It's such a ridiculous thing to say in front of Jake. Why does he have to hear that? What good does it do Jake? What is the agenda behind that comment? Was that said out of love and caring for Jake?

Personally I can handle and laugh off all the comments "your wife" has made over the years about me, Lauren, Lincoln Park, where I shop, what she thinks I should be paying for, who's friendships with me, she deems inappropriate, who vacations with me, how much food I put in Jake's lunch, how the clothes I buy for the kids are "gay", and on and on and on, etc, ..... But do Jake and Sara really have to continue to hear this constant, never ending crap? Why are our kids subject to nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with them and of which the children have no control over? Does "your wife" simply lack self control and can't help what she blurts out? Does she know how the kids feel about "her" when she says what she says? I do! Does "your wife" think the kids are going to adore her because she's says hurtful things about their mother, sister, or the city that they live in?

I don't expect you to respond to this email or actually answer my questions. It's not about me or what I think. But you should know that if the kids bother to tell me something, then what they're telling me "bothers" them. It affects them. And though I keep encouraging them, they won't come to you. They want to hear that it's not them. It's not their fault and they are NOT to take her negative comments personally. They want to defend, verbally (or internally) what they hear that doesn't sit well with them. Frankly, I don't know how to 'explain away' some of the things your wife says to them or in front of them. I can't lie to them and tell them that she says these things out of love for them. Sometimes all I can do is point out that it's not their Father saying these things and that he (you) can't always control what she says or does.

I KNOW it's NOT YOU. The kids love you. They know it's not you. And they know that you try to buffer 'things' for them. You're stuck right in the middle of all of it and it must be difficult to be inbetween your kids and your wife at times... But at some point, when Jake and Sara have their own free will and choice, they will simply choose to not be around someone who is constantly making negative comments about places and things that they hold dear and people that they love.

Sincere Regards,

posted on Apr 21, 2009 5:51 AM ()

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