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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > Latest Email to My Ex-husband

Latest Email to My Ex-husband


I tried to text Jake this morning three times to say "have a nice snow day xoxoxo" and my message wouldn't go through. Did your wife block me from texting him? Is that really necessary? I realize that you purchased the phone for him, but since I am a verizon customer and it costs nothing for me to text him, I wonder what the reason for blocking his Mother would be? I have texted him all of 2-3 times in the years since he's had the phone and I rarely call him on it. So blocking me is for what reason?

I didn't address this particular fact the last time I emailed you about it, but since I'm on the subject of cell phones, I'd just like to clear the air about Lauren's phone number being blocked from Jake and Sara's phone. Maybe you didn't know who's number it was when Sara asked you why her sister was blocked, and/or maybe your wife told you "she" didn't know who's number it was, but since Sara got yelled at by your wife back in the summer, right after the bill came in, it is a fact that Chris knew. Chris asked Sara why Lauren was calling so late and Sara told her that Lauren needed Sara to go downstairs and let Lauren in because Lauren was spending the night and next day with the kids. So lets just be honest, Chris knew. I know it and sadly Sara knows it. It can't be "covered" up.

And also, the new little rule about Sara NOT calling anyone after 9:00pm except for "you, Chris and Jake", when Chris gave Sara her new phone, I would suspect comes from Chris analyzing the phone bill to notice that Sara used to call me, on a fairly regular basis, at bedtime (around 9:30pm) from your house to tell me good night. The phone call rarely, if ever lasted more than a minute. It wasn't a phone call that I insisted she make to me. It wasn't a phone call that I would make to Sara if she didn't call me first, but one Sara must have wanted to make from your house for whatever reason. I wonder why?

I am going to hope and assume that you had nothing to do with any of this. It doesn't seem like something you would feel the need to do. According to Sara, your wife is in a tiz about me buying Sara a cell phone. Why? How does it hurt or affect her in the least? I for one will not pay the $4.95 to block your wife (or anyone) from calling the phone that I bought Sara. Even if it was free, I wouldn't feel the need to do something like that. I'm simply not a control freak nor do I have the time or interest in being vengeful or vindictive.

I'm not sure what your wife's agenda is. Blocking Lauren from calling Jake or Sara will not stop them from being siblings or having a relationship with one another. Blocking me from texting Jake will not stop me from being his Mother or from having a relationship with him. It's actually quite the opposite. Your wifes actions certainly have an affect on the children's view and relationship with her. Any maybe the kids can't/won't communicate to you about this topic, but I have heard earfulls.

I will continue to tell them that I hope and think "you" didn't have anything to do with this nonsense. And truthfully Dennis, I'm only addressing this for you. I am amazed at the attention given to controlling so many goofy non-important things. Nothing will change between the kids and I through all of this latest chaos about cell phones, clothing and whatever else your wife has a meltdown over. It's affecting the kids. It affects them.

I just think you should know. Protect them. (before it's too late, again)

Warm Regards,

posted on Dec 19, 2008 3:38 AM ()


Hope everything gets worked out someday (soon!).
comment by imaginaryfriend on Dec 19, 2008 5:29 PM ()
So silly and so stupid.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 19, 2008 3:28 PM ()
Maybe he need to be blocked in the head.
comment by fredo on Dec 19, 2008 9:50 AM ()
MAN how annoying and frustrating!!! What the h-e-l-l is the point of it all??? Gawd... they are not HER kids, they are YOUR kids and your ex's kids... she should have no say with them when it comes to communicating with their own family!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 19, 2008 6:14 AM ()
His response?
comment by draco on Dec 19, 2008 5:10 AM ()

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