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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > Injuries, Updates & Bad Lettuce

Injuries, Updates & Bad Lettuce

In my quest for better overall health and weight loss, I have come across a few minor setbacks.


I apparently overdid a workout last Thursday when I was striving for 10,000 steps on the Wii Fit Board. It's a low impact exercise that is basically stepping on and and off the 2.5" high Wii Board. It took me 80 minutes to reach that goal and I was really proud of myself for achieving it. However, as the day wore on, a muscle in my left hip area starting getting sore. And then it got worse. Every pivot, every swivel and every step I took was PAINFUL. And the pain was constant. It wouldn't subside. I couldn't get comfortable in ANY position, other than standing. This made sleep impossible and the next day, it hurt even more. I couldn't even move on Friday and spent some of the day in tears when I tried to adjust my leg. Thankfully, it started to feel better on Saturday, but here I am on Thursday morning and I am still not fully healed. This has put a crimp in my efforts to exercise 6 out of 7 days, but I have to wait till I'm 100% before working that muscle again. I have been doing repetitions of lifting 5 pound weights and exercising my arms just so that I'm doing something.


I'm eating healthier than I probably have in my whole life since the new year began and have gratefully been loosing weight despite the interruption in exercise. I am down 12.2 pounds. So that is surprising and happy news.


Part of my daily food intake consists of LOTS of red leaf lettuce and other salad greens. I throw my egg beaters on top of a salad. I have a salad with my lunch and also with my dinner. Three days ago, I thought that in addition to my woes of not being able to exercise, I had caught a touch of some virus or flu bug. I had "the runs" after every meal I ate. And when I use that term "the runs", it really doesn't do justice to the ridiculous diarrhea that came shooting out of me with the pressure of a fire hose several times a day. It wasn't until I made a salad for both my husband and me, which had my husband in one bathroom and I in the other within 20 minutes of eating it, did I realize that I'd been eating BAD LETTUCE for three days straight. Eating bad lettuce is and effective way to loose weight, but I highly discourage it.

posted on Feb 4, 2009 7:40 PM ()

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