Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
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Life & Events > Boring > Too Many Swirling Thoughts

Too Many Swirling Thoughts

I have too many thoughts in my head to focus them into a coherent post:

so proud to be an American and part of this historic event

very excited about my Half Marathon in 12 days

had to do a training run on the treadmill last night and the stationary running gave me motion sickness - bleck!

had fun at my friend's election party, it was nice to be a part of the celebration

Looking forward to a lecture on running techniques tomorrow evening and I'm going there with Jackie

disappointed that Thom and I are skipping our "pseudo-anniversary" event to go to his friend's gig as it's also the guys birthday - this is also the guy that took 5 sleeping pills last weekend - but he's fine and he and his GF are working things out

upset that a woman at the gym felt the need to tell me this morning that I don't need to lose any more weight. It really ticked me off that she said that. It's no one's business how much weight I lose. Besides I haven't lost a pound in 6 months so I don't know why she'd feel the need to say anything in the first place, !@*&^%#*&@%*#$*!!!!

happy that I found my "I Voted" sticker

excited to learn how to better ride my new bike

happy that I get paid tomorrow as I'm out of TP, cat food, cat litter, spinach and other foods. I took a roll of TP from work last night. *blush* And the cats hate that I mixed their good food with the one they dislike to stretch what I had till payday.

Looking forward to being with my family for the entire week of Thanksgiving

Been too busy at work lately

I miss hanging out with my friends because I've been so busy with work, Thom and training

But I'm gonna sign up for the Half on 2/1/09 and raise $500+ for this weekend ... keeping me in training mode

I'm sad that I won't have any money to buy xmas gifts again this year... okay, I bought some last year and it bit me in the a$$.

And really, really, looking forward to heading to my parents for a whole week...

see... I'm totally incoherent today... LOL

posted on Nov 5, 2008 2:38 PM ()


I'm so upset they didn't give me a I Voted sticker! Instead I got a slip of paper that said something like Thank You for Voting - with the date on it! :) So I'm keeping that sucker fo sho!
comment by mrsstu on Nov 6, 2008 12:41 PM ()
Yeah, you have a lot of exciting things going on.

I suppose that tells you how important recognizing this pseudo-anniversary is.

Your weight loss is not really her business, unless she's protecting you from anorexia, but I don't think you would go to that point.
comment by stiva on Nov 6, 2008 6:04 AM ()
why did it make you so mad about the weight?
The rest sounds fabulous!! I am happy about last nights events too. Very happy!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 5, 2008 5:45 PM ()

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