I admit it, I'm a sucker.
I was all disappointed that TBD took away the invitation to a camping/music festival thing over the weekend and with one phrase, I was no longer "mad" at him. Mad being a tad strong because I wasn't mad, especially when the weather turned bad and it rained most of Memorial Day weekend here. I had a lovely weekend lounging on the couch with the kitty cats and getting back to my workout routine.
"I should have brought you with me," he said on the phone last night.
That's it. He should have. And I'm a sucker. I still want to trade him in for a better boyfriend but today the song lyrics in my head sang out, "... love the one you're with..."
So rather than be single in Los Angeles, I'm gonna stick with TBD for now. Not to mention that a woman in her fifties told me to flee LA if I wanted to find a decent man and/or get married. It's not gonna happen for a woman my age, she stated. LOL Certainly if I had her attitude about it, I would never find anyone.
... who knows what the future will hold for me but I'm keeping it open.
I have SO much catching up to do and I'm sorry. :( I've missed you SO.