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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > November is a Time to Celebrate

November is a Time to Celebrate

I feel really prepared for my Half Marathon in 5 days. I finished a 3 mile training run with the girls this morning. Followed by 3 miles on my own since I had time to kill before work. Part of my run-ohol-ism. LOL

This weekend is Marathon madness with packet pickup at the Expo on Saturday where I can grab some deals on winter running gear. Followed by the race on Sunday morning and a day off of work on Monday to recover from my longest run-to-date. I can't wait to cross that finish line and to show off my medal to my family!

I hope I can fit in some time to visit with the lovely and pregnant Miss Sassee since the following weekend I'm off to my parents for a full 7 days not counting the 2 travel days. My lil sis will be there the whole time with me. Her BF will be in town for 2-3 days and my older sister lives with our parents and my brother lives nearby. So I will get to spend time with all my siblings. Unfortunately neither Thom nor myself can afford a ticket for him to fly out, too.

Plus I'm looking forward to the annual family trip to the wineries in the area and (sorry Kristilyn) lunch at my favorite BBQ joint where I will not be practicing Vegetarianism. I do have my Veggie days but being allergic to soy makes that a tough lifestyle on occasions like Thanksgiving.

But after voting yes on prop 2, I can feel better about eating chicken, turkey, and especially (organic) eggs.

My Mom and I had a funny conversation about what we would have to change if Thom could go to my parents for Thanksgiving since he's a Pescetarian (a Veggie who also eats fish). Pretty much Thom or I would have to make his side dishes since my Mom would be at a loss as to how to make things the Veggie way.

Speaking of my pescetarian BF, we're celebrating our one year anniversary with dinner at his place tomorrow night. I will make Angel hair pasta with sun dried tomatoes and goat cheese. This of course set off a long conversation about our relationship. Too much to add to this post but he's really unhappy about being unemployed and my paying for everything when we go out. He's most afraid that I will resent him for it. I tried to explain that dating a feminist such as myself has its perks.

I'm not sure how I can help raise his self esteem. It's at an all time low since I've known him. He's been promised work in January but that is too far off to be much help right now. Nothing I say and nothing I do seems to help. I really gotta keep my financial problems to myself because if I had lots of money, he wouldn't feel as bad about my paying for us to go out.

Dare to dream. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket today too.

posted on Nov 11, 2008 1:20 PM ()


If you eat in instead of out, that will save on the money, but unfortunately it won't help with his employment situation.
comment by stiva on Nov 18, 2008 10:38 AM ()
comment by mrsstu on Nov 12, 2008 7:20 AM ()
I toooooootaly get the Mopping Molly Syndrome TB is going through. It's SO hard to break out of it when you're not working. Lord knows I deal with it myself. I know you're frustrated trying to boost his spirits and all you can do is take a deep breath and tell yourself you did your part, the rest is up to him. Because, ultimately, it IS up to him.
comment by hawkwoman on Nov 11, 2008 2:57 PM ()
Oh I see! I make it easy by not liking gravy or dressing anyways... but the green beans woulda had me fooled!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2008 2:20 PM ()
Yes! Buy a lotto ticket!
I had to laugh when you said sorry to me cuz I thought you meant (at first) that you were going to make me jealous by going to wineries!
I think it's wonderful that you are veggie sometimes girl!
And why is it hard to make veggie sides? R's parents seemed concerned about that stuff as well, I was like I will eat mashed potatoes and corn for all I care... I can always get by on sides if nothing else!
I hope Thom can get past his unemployment. I am sure things will improve when he can spoil ya like you deserve to be spoiled!
CONGRATS on the upcoming race! I can't wait to see the pictures!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2008 1:54 PM ()

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