I've totally gotten the race bug but one of my issues with races are the fees. I don't really have any money. But I do have a lot of friends and family who are ready to donate to my next charity race.
I checked out www.runsurfcity.com and found that the race fees are waved if you raise $500 for www.runformobility.org - An organization that builds wheelchairs out of spare parts for third world citizens in need.
A bunch of my online running buddies (featured in my post "5K Photos") are running the California Dreamin' Race Series. Surf City is the 2nd of 3, followed by San Fran. (I ran the 5K in the first of the series) Plus the race is on SuperBowlSunday. Not being a fan of football nor commercials, this would be a fun alternative to being bored on that Sunday. LOL
So how crazy is it to sign up for 2 Half Marathons before even doing my first?
posted on Oct 22, 2008 11:56 AM ()
I think halves is a better plan.
Are you going to fund raise for the wheelchairs? Can you raise the $500?
My wife did the SF marathon a few years ago. She had to raise a certain amount for AIDS and her training was then part of the program.
I looked at the site. Interesting idea to build the wheelchair around a patio chair. Cuts down the amount of material needed, but doesn't fold up. If it doesn't need to go in the trunk of a car you don't have, then it doesn't matter. Looks like bicycle tires too.
A bit, yes, but with your training and ambition, you're probably going to like that first one and want to do more, no?
You are a superhero.
not crazy at all considering the party involved...