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Looking for Work and Searching for Love
Looking for Work and Searching for Love
Here I am again five years later writing a similar blog post.
Except this time, I'm also telling the Universe that I'll settle for winning the lottery now and then eventually finding love later. Ha ha! I have the winning ticket in hand - power of positive thinking, ya know?
I'm applying for anything and everything online that seems appealing. But I feel a little defeated this time around. I've done this a million times now (okay, maybe about 5 times), having been freelance for 9.5 years, but it never gets easier when you hit the 3 month mark. And the same feels true about my dating life.
So I'm working out like it's my job. Not losing much weight so far but I'm getting fitter. I can tell that my muscles are stronger and my skin tighter but the weight is still lingering on my body. I've gained 15 pounds, part my injury 18 months ago and part from the stressful job this past spring, from my lowest maintained weight and have only taken off 3 since July. My goal is to drop 5-7 more.
I'm slowly getting back into yoga and spin classes. I feel a whole lot better overall. The yoga even helps a little to de-stress me. A woman at the gym this morning introduced me to Qigong, a set of meditative exercises to calm the spirit and the mind developed over 2,000 years ago by Taoist monks. It was fascinating, and truly calming. She said that Tai-chi and karate evolved from this practice.
So I'm open to the possibilities: new job, new love, winning lottery ticket, weight-loss, and as always, good health.
posted on Sept 7, 2010 7:13 PM ()
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