I made it to the land of changing leaves on Saturday evening and it's been a whirlwind of activity since.

Sunday the whole family toured the land of grapes and partook in the samples of wine and I bought a bottle of Traminette, a semi-dry but still a little sweet white wine. We again visited the winery where I got the White Sangria recipe last year. I was tempted to purchase the red version but kept close watch on my purse strings. That was tough but softened by several samples of their wines.
Monday morning I went for a run around my hometown. It was 48 degrees with a light rain and I went anyway. Good training in case it rains on one of my races. I ran to my old high school, down the stadium steps that leads down a steep bluff into the stadium below. The new track is beautiful and I ran around it twice and then back up the torturous stadium steps. I continued my journey down the beautiful Cherry Street, over by my uncle's house, by the house my grandfather once lived in, passed my middle school, up over the hills, passing my parents' house, over the railroad tracks following the path I took to my elementary school, through the baseball diamond, along the path through the little cemetery (not kidding) across the street to my elementary school and back over the railroad tracks back to my parents' house. Making my tour of my old schools a 5 mile run.
The rest of the day was more prep work for the big Thanksgiving meal followed by my sisters, mother and I playing a few games of Scatagories and Scrabble that evening.
Today my lil sis and I will do a workout video together followed by more house cleaning and food prep.
Wednesday, I'm doing my second run of the week with my childhood friend, Amy. This route will include the community college we attended and the city park where the funny cartoon lion head fountain resides. Afterwards we will help my mom make pies and cookies for the big day. My friend Amy has fond memories of baking things with my mom when we were kids. As do I.
Wednesday night I'm meeting back up with my brother and sis-in-law, with lil sis and lil sis' BF who gets into town Tuesday evening for bowling and drinks in the next town over. I'm just a little sad that Thom couldn't be here too.
Enjoy your time together.