I had a fantastic weekend.
Friday night I chilled with E over pedicures followed by great coffee. The owner of the coffee stand also made us blended fresh strawberry margaritas. That's right coffee and drinks.
Saturday turned out to be a very long and busy day.
I woke early to get in my morning 2 mile run before LA got too hot for such things. I went to a local farmer's market after to pick up a new flower pendent and some strawberries. I talked to my parents who told me that my older sis is making an excellent recovery from her heart valve replacement surgery.
I headed over to meet up with E again for my first Bikram Yoga aka Hot Yoga. It was interesting but I felt more congested after wards and it seemed that my allergies had gotten worse. I went home to rehydrate because Bikram Yoga makes you sweat so much that until you are used to it makes you dizzy and nauseous.
In the afternoon, I caught up on some tv since I wasn't tired enough to nap and the laundry room was too busy.
I later met up with TBD and we headed to a party together. We got teased by our friends about our non-committed dating habits. I teased TBD about his fear of the term dating since to me it's a casual word for people who are seeing each other but aren't calling the other person boyfriend/ girlfriend. Despite the teasing we had a lot of fun and many drinks.
... more to follow ...