I ran my very first Half Marathon yesterday, December 7, 2008. And by run, I mean I ran, jogged, sprinted the whole thing without a single walking break. I ran 13.1 miles in the 3rd Annual City of Angels Half Marathon and it was amazing!
My Gun time was 2 hours and 25 minutes. For those who don't know, Gun time means from the very first start of the race to the finish line and I crossed the starting line behind hundreds of other runners.
So let's go back to the beginning. Because my BF, Thom dislikes getting up early I ditched him the night before the race to sleep in my own bed (sans dogs) and got a great night's sleep. I hydrated the day before but maybe a little too much. LOL! I arrived at the start with my running buddies - the Adventure Girls: KM, LK, VH and their boot camp trainer at the Los Angeles Zoo.
The adventure girls and I had been training in Griffith Park for the past couple months and the first mile of the race was the first mile of our Thursday training runs. It felt right after losing out on the Pasadena Marathon. In fact there were several people there wearing their Pasadena shirts. This race was sold out and I couldn't help but think that several hundred of us were there because we didn't get to run a half on November 16th.
Our start, in group 2, was slow but we plodded along behind hundreds of other runners to complete our first mile. The girls had only just started running 3 months ago and were on a run/walk rotation and were ready for their first walk. I waved good-bye and wished them luck and they in return. I ran on ahead towards the sound of the first drummers circle. I put in my earphones with a playlist of songs that I knew would help me run strong.
The second and third mile looped though the park, a route I had taken on a few of my long runs and brought us back to the drummers circle and then onto the dirt path along the lower edge of the park. Again familiar territory for me where I had run many times before and completed my first 5 mile straight run.
The fourth mile of the race took us out of the park onto the bike/ped path along the LA river. This is the part of the aqueduct that runs through the city that has accumulated wildlife along its concrete walls. There are many birds that have made this part of the river their home and are now protected by the city after discussions to clear the dirt and trees during a stormy season about a decade ago.
I'm so happy they preserved it as running the path was enhanced by the nature in the concrete river below.
Past the sixth mile we turned onto Hyperion Bridge and did our first significant hill. I plodded up the bridge and asked it to run with me. A mental technique in a beginner's running book that really works for me. As I jogged up the bridge I smiled big at the photographers along the route.
The route then took us up into the neighborhood of Silverlake past the reservoir which is another route I have run many times in the past. The location of the first time I hit "The Wall" but not this time, this time I ran past it with renewed energy and the pains and aches in my joints lessened. In the eighth mile we ran along Sunset Blvd into the neighborhood of Echo Park.
A challenging hill lay between us and the lake ahead, but a Drum Line was beating out an inspiring pace. I paused the music on my ipod and let the beat of the drums carry me up the hill.
The most beautiful part of the route was running along the narrow path right on the edge of Echo Park Lake. The swans and ducks swam peacefully as we thousands of runners went past, undisturbed by our pounding feet. The route was so lovely that I made plans in my head to run there again sometime soon.
After leaving the lake behind us we hit a steep hill. That morning the girls and I talked about races and of Heartbreak Hill in Boston. KM, a Bostonian, said that hill is indeed steep. When we both saw this hill near mile 11, we were reminded of Heartbreak hill.
Though I was warned not to set goals for my first Half Marathon, I really wanted to be able to finish in under two and a half hours and I really wanted to be strong enough to run the entire time. I faced this hill and knew that it didn't matter how slow I went, I just had to jog up and not let it kick my butt.
With strong determination and another cup of water in my hands, I jogged up the hill and into Downtown where another hill and long tunnel stood between me and the finish line.
As I ran through the tunnel, I reminded myself again as I had done at nearly every mile, to pace myself. I didn't need to run fast, I just had to run and finish strong.
The tunnel opened to some beautiful trees and another water station. The next turn revealed the finish line and another set of drummers, cheering us all on to our goal with a pounding thunder. It was empowering despite the incline to the Finish. There it was, the finish line to my first half and I ran across it with the biggest smile I could muster.
In big numbers the clock read 2:25:XX. I didn't remember what the seconds were, I didn't care because I had done it! I ran 13.1 miles straight in under 2 and a half hours. I was handed a bottle of water and my first medal. I had to ask a bystander to open my bottle as I was too sweaty to get the top off. And I had to splash my face to remove the salt from my eyes. I don't think I have ever sweat that much in my life!
After a stop at the porta potty, I headed back to the finish line to wait for the Adventure Girls. In the meantime, I called Thom to tell him all about it as he had texted me half way through the race with words of Good Luck. I think he felt a little guilty about not going.
I waited anxiously to cheer on my running buddies who crossed the finish line just after the clock read three hours. I knew it would mean a lot to them to hear familiar voices cheering them on and I wanted to be there for them as they had been there with me on so many training runs.
After we picked up our t-shirts and found VH's husband we went out for beers to celebrate and Thom joined us. There's nothing better than a cold beer after a long run. And this was my longest run-to-date. And yes, I was sore and achy, but it was worth it.
It was incredible and I am so proud of what I have accomplished in the last two years. I celebrate my 36th birthday in a week and I have a lot to celebrate from this past year and for years to come.
BIG Thanks to anyone who made it though this whole blog.