CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Education > School Days ... .

School Days ... .

I have been so engrossed in watching the Olympics that I have neglected my blogging.  However, I am not nearly as big a fan of the track and field events as I am of other events, so I will probably be back a little more this week.
Saturday, I gave my house a cleaning from top to bottom as well.  Yesterday, I paid for it.  I hurt all over when I got up.  Feeling better today, though.
Today is library day.   I will go as soon as they open to try to beat the heat. I always enjoy my trips to the library.  There is just something magical walking into a place where I am surrounded by books of all kinds.  Books have been one of my great loves all my life.  I can now read them online; however, there is just something about actually holding the book in my hands that still has much more appeal.

I read every page, including the copyright page, the acknowledgement pages, the dedication page in addition to the contents.  Call me anal; it's just how I am.  I savor every single thing about a book and its author.
Holly, Bevan and the girls are taking one last "mini-vacation" before school begins.  Holly has business in Jackson, Mississippi, next Monday.  Then she has to be in Destin, Florida, on Wednesday.  They are driving to Jackson next Sunday; then on to Florida on Tuesday.  Destin is right on the beach, so they will stay the rest of the week, enjoying cooler temperatures and the beach.
Then, it's back to reality as school starts a week after they return.  Taylor is deep into college now in Salt Lake.  I hope he can adjust to the pace of his schedule.  By having trimesters instead of semesters and having the kids go to school from 8 to 5 everyday, this school crams four years into 21/2 years.   He reports that he even has assignments due on Saturday and Sunday, which he turns in via e-mail.
He is smart enough to handle it; I just hope he has the maturity to handle it.  Keeping my fingers crossed to see how this first trimester goes.  I sent him an e-mail yesterday encouraging him, reminding him that he can stand anything for 2 1/2 years; and that then, he will have his dream education in video game design, which has been what he has wanted to do since he was in grammar school.

posted on Aug 6, 2012 7:07 AM ()


Remember going to the library when I was a kid and coming home with 5 books I could hardly carry. It was a great old gothic mansion in Chicago. I loved that place. Saw the gymnastics finals and missed everything else. I have been too distracted, I guess. Impressed that you cleaned your whole house. But, then, you don't have animals.
comment by tealstar on Aug 13, 2012 7:47 PM ()
I'm like you in the reading books category. Picked up 3 today and had to put two others back for the next time. Hard to read while watching Olympics. Luckily, I avoid the volleyball and assorted other sports. I love track!
School daze have returned, haven't they. Glad I'm out of it!
comment by solitaire on Aug 8, 2012 1:59 PM ()
I'm going to look at the badminton and trampoline events, mainly to see if badminton looks like a sport, and see if there are some fancy tramp moves. Also the still rings.
comment by troutbend on Aug 7, 2012 1:23 PM ()
Oh how cool is Taylor's school? It does take a lot of determination though, I wish him the best.
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 6, 2012 12:22 PM ()
Good luck to the grandson. It is a lot of pressure but so worth it to
be done quickly.
comment by elderjane on Aug 6, 2012 9:57 AM ()
Yes, the pressure is what worries me. But he chose this school because it is supposed to be the best in his chosen field. So, I'm hoping tat will be enough to keep him focused and moving forward.
reply by redimpala on Aug 6, 2012 11:31 AM ()
"something about actually holding the book in my hands'--YES!!!

I was worried not seeing a "News from Dallas" blog

Talking about grammar--I can't wait to hear what kind of grammar your granddaughter is going to learn!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 6, 2012 8:25 AM ()
I just wasn't in the mood to do my weekly Dallas blog. I'll get back to it this week tough. I asked Kenzie about the "grammar" thing. All she told me was that it had to do with symbols and their names. When I pressed her, she got vague. I'll know more after I see some of her grammar papers.
reply by redimpala on Aug 6, 2012 11:33 AM ()

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