CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Carpe Diem ... .Or Not?

Carpe Diem ... .Or Not?

My mother was a fanatic, about a lot of things; but, most especially, about her house.  It had to be immaculate at all times.  She nearly drove me crazy when I was growing up with her insatiable appetite for neatness.
I swore that I would never rear my kids that way.  Naturally, more of it rubbed off on me that I like to admit; nonetheless, I allowed them some messiness in their own space.  All I asked was that every Saturday morning they cleaned their rooms before they were allowed to do other things.
In typical "kid" fashion, each developed her own technique.  Kenna rearranged her drawers and closet, with everything put neatly where it belonged; Holly, on the other thing, hid things....tossing them haphazardly into her closet or stuffing them surreptitiously under her bed!  To this day, messiness doesn't bother her.  Now, of course, she hires a cleaning service to keep the house clean; but  she still stuffs things into drawers to get them out of sight before they arrive.
It has always been more important to her to enjoy life than to pick up the house.  I must admit, however, that she may be taking things to an extreme this week.  They are now back in their house; but it is just chaos.  The beds are put together and that's about it.  About half the kitchen is unpacked; there is still trim to paint and the kitchen cabinets are half finished.  She took this week off to try to get her house back in some shape....until a better offer presented itself, that is.
A few months back,  she met a fellow OU grad when he became a client of her company.  In typical Sooner fashion, they hit it off.  He and his wife immediately invited she and Bevan to fly up for the next OU game on his corporate jet.  Holly had to decline, because to do so was against company policy, as it could be construed as an "incentive" to color her judgement in the case she was reviewing for his company.
She did agree, though, to meet them at the game.  They selected the gate where they would enter as a place to get together.  Holly told them she and Bevan would be waiting there and that they would be easy to spot.  "We'll be the ones in red," she remarked, tongue in cheek.
Now, that same couple has called from Colorado inviting the whole family to join them at their summer home.  I, being the practical one, would have regretfully declined, but not Holly and Bevan.  They are departing today for five days, leaving their unpacking and painting for another day.
As Holly, in typical "Holly fashion" remarked,  "It will still be there when we get back!"  For someone who is so meticulous that every "T" be dotted and every "I" crossed when it comes to her job, the girl has the most cavalier attitude about other matters.
No doubt, she will live longer and die happier than most of us.

posted on July 3, 2012 9:01 AM ()


I once was compulsively neat. What happened? I now see that order is mostly irrelevant and I let things go. I'm with Holly. It will be there later (as long as it is not dirt or a health risk.)
comment by dragonflyby on July 6, 2012 8:15 PM ()
Because my childhood home was chaos, because my first marriage was chaos (Jay was an accumulator -- mostly electronics -- after he died, the General Electric Museum in Baltimore came and took it all away and I located the bed again) ... I am trying to be neat. It isn't a natural condition. And the truth is that I love a neat house -- it uplifts me. I enjoy it more. My head feels better. I am not compulsive, but I never, ever go to bed with dishes in the sink and counters dirty, and the kitchen tile full of things dropped during dinner prep. Ed often says come to bed, do that in the morning and I always say, if I have to look at this first thing in the morning, I will hang myself.
comment by tealstar on July 5, 2012 11:56 AM ()
Being mentally organized and physically organized are two different things.
Moving is so h orrible that she may get a fresh perspective when she gets
home and be able to attack it with more fervor.
comment by elderjane on July 4, 2012 3:08 AM ()
I must admit that they are all physically exhausted from the past month, so this will be good for all of them.
reply by redimpala on July 4, 2012 5:17 AM ()
I'm just wondering how is going to the vacation home for free different from accepting a free ride on a corporate jet?
comment by troutbend on July 3, 2012 7:06 PM ()
That thought occurred to me also; however. I think it may have something to do with not actually accepting from them anything that can be construed as a monetary gift. They will pay their own way to Colorado, so I suppose it becomes then just one family visiting another. They are not USING their summer home free; they are staying with a friend at his summer home.
reply by redimpala on July 4, 2012 5:16 AM ()
I subscribe to the adage that you should always leave a few "Get Well" cards on the mantle in case someone comes to visit. You can then tell them you have been too ill to clean house. LOL
comment by jondude on July 3, 2012 9:23 AM ()
Now, there's a clever idea! I may need to use that one myself from time to time. I seem to care less and do less as I get older.
reply by redimpala on July 3, 2012 10:25 AM ()
I'm on Holly's side!!!! She can always get the place straightened out---tomorrow!
comment by greatmartin on July 3, 2012 9:12 AM ()
That's exactly how she views it!!
reply by redimpala on July 3, 2012 9:21 AM ()

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