CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > An Awkward Predicament

An Awkward Predicament

>All my life I have had a hard time saying "No" when someone asked a favor of me. 
When I got my divorce, I made up my mind that I would not form any close friendships...that I would make my two daughters my best friends.
I didn't rule out having friends; I just ruled out having CLOSE friends.  And I have for the last twenty years adhered to that. 
However, now, I find myself being pulled into a friendship that I really do not want.  But, I feel sorry for this woman because her children totally ignore her.
I discovered after the fact that she spent both Christmas and Thanksgiving alone and that she did not receive a single gift for Christmas.  Had I known at the time, I would have invited her to spend Christmas with us.
It has only been in the last two or three weeks that I have begun to put together what is going on with her.  I realized early on that she is judgemental and critical of people.  In addition, she complains about how ungrateful her children are.
She is also"sick" all the time.  She complains that she has terrible pain in her shoulder.  She has been in the hospital four times in the last three months.  In fact, she is in now.  This time she almost killed herself.  She was bleeding so badly internally that she had to have surgery.  This is the second time she has been in the hospital for a bleeding ulcer.
 I knew she was taking a lot of pain medication and that she insisted that her blood pressure would shoot up when she ran out of her medication.  She would insist that someone call an ambulance when her blood pressure went up because she wanted to get to the hospital so she could get some pain meds.
After the first episode with the bleeding ulcer, I asked her how much pain medication she was taking.
It turns out she would take three or four aspirin at a time; wait two hours and take two or three Aleve.  On top of that she was taking hydrocodone when she could get it and another medication that she didn't name.
She has also got  two cortisone shots in her back and one in her knee in the last two weeks.
A couple of weeks ago, she managed to get her doctor to write her another prescription for hydrocodone. She took three of them in less than two hours.    Then, she told me that the pharmacy shorted her on her prescription. 
" I called them and chewed them out royally for it too," she added.
"Well, how much did they short you?"  I asked.
When she replied one pill,  my suspicions got even stronger. How many people count their pills?  "There's no way I can get it now, I know," she added.  "I can't prove that they actually shorted me that pill."
It's has become obvious to me and several others that she is hooked on pain medication.  I think this is why her kids avoid her.  I'm sure they have known it for some time.
She has begun imposing on me, without asking.  The other day, she said that she had to go to the doctor and she needed me to pick her up.
"I'll put gas in for you."  she said.
Well,l it wasn't the minute amount of gas that it would take to pick her up.  It was her assuming that I would pick her up without ever really asking.  And I just had that really hard time saying "No".
She also told me that her neighbor next door has been avoiding her.  I know that she was imposing on her before I became her ride of choice. (She doesn't have a car but we have bus service.  She doesn't like to schedule when the bus runs, so she's always calling someone to pick her up and take her.)
I have GOT to find a way out of this situation without hurting her feelings. She listens for my door to open. When she hears it, out her apartment she comes to tell me her latest woes.   Any suggestions?

posted on Mar 22, 2011 7:49 PM ()


Of course she is a junkie hooked on prescription medications. hydracodine
is serious stuff. Tell her that you are just too busy. My life would be
desolate without close friends but none of them are demanding. Friendship
is a give or take thing and she is into all take and no give.
comment by elderjane on Mar 24, 2011 7:34 AM ()
I didn't realize my one sister lived so close to you! Sounds a lot like her (not as bad, luckily). No additional advice from me. I like the aforementioned.
comment by solitaire on Mar 24, 2011 6:49 AM ()
I'm so sorry your lovely new home is marred by having a neighbor like this. On the surface her story is sad and we would all feel sorry for someone who is so alone and hope it never happens to us, but then the reasons become apparent, and turns out she is a predator looking for her next helper/victim.
comment by troutbend on Mar 23, 2011 4:01 PM ()
That's exactly what she is, which is why her children avoid her. She has imposed on them to the point that they won't even come to see her. I believe they think she is a hypochondriac. I, on the other hand, think she is a junkie. She has grandchildren right here in Dallas that she never gets to see.
reply by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 8:43 PM ()
I've dealt with some people by avoiding them. When that in not possible, just say you are busy, keep saying it. You have some good suggestions here. The problem is that you don't want to hurt feelings. If this woman's feelings COULD be hurt, she would have changed long ago. She uses victim hood as a tool. Moreover, even if you did everything she wanted, always, it would not help nor would she feel okay. You must not let yourself be her patsy. Finally, you are not responsible for her happiness, she is.
comment by tealstar on Mar 23, 2011 2:48 PM ()
She does use her victimhood as an excuse. She latches on to someone and she calls them constantly to take her somewhere or to pick her up. Her ex-daughter-in-law just had to get hateful with her because she was demanding so much of her. Of course, it was the daughter-in-law's fault because, supposedly, she had told her to move here so she could take care of her.

First of all, I would NEVER call an EX-in law for anything. That relationship terminated when the girl divorced her son.

When my neighbor started telling me that she was through calling her daughter-in-law because she had told her that she "just expected too much,", I diplomatically tried to remind her that this woman has four kids, works full time, and is no longer even her daughter-in-law.

"Well, she might as well be my daughter. I consider her my daughter," she said.

This ex-daughter-in-law, who supposedly thinks so much of her, didn't invite her to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. That would have been enough to open my eyes.

She has managed to allienate all her children and their exes one way or another.

I just don't want to be the next person she makes demands from.
reply by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 3:58 PM ()
Be unavailable, Joan. Be kind, smile and be unavailable. "So sorry, I have a commitment...." And move on.
comment by marta on Mar 23, 2011 12:03 PM ()
I think your idea is probably the one I will follow. I just won't be available.
reply by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 4:01 PM ()
my suggestion might be a little difficult to do but it is do-able. In the most diplomatic way possible, with a very non-aggressive tone to your voice, simply tell her the truth exactly as you have explained your predicament here, tell her you hope she understands and walk away. If it doesnt sink in with her at first, give her time and keep saying you cant help her, you dont have to give her any reasons after explaining as you have here, just tell her you cant, you're sorry and that's it. She will get it eventually. Good luck.
comment by aussiegirl on Mar 23, 2011 9:11 AM ()
I don't know if I am brave enough to do that. I may try.
reply by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 4:00 PM ()
That's what I am going to have to do. I really hate hurting anyone's feelings; but I just DO NOT want to get myself embroiled in this woman's problems.

All she ever does is put down her children and other people in our complex. I don't like talking about people, so it is time to distance myself.
comment by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 8:54 AM ()
I had a mother who was happiest when she was unhappy--she drove her husband and children away from her so she could moan and groan how no one appreciated her--nothing YOU will do can stop her from being
unhappy which will make her happy.
First of all--does she have insurance? Most insurance companies
provide x amount of rides to and from doctor appointments--tell
her you will arrange the rides for her as you do not have the
time to take her or to spend time away from your home and family
plus you have writing deadlines and then follow nittineedles suggestions--whether you shake your head up and down or side to side your mouth has to say NO!
And why are you worried about hurting her feelings? She will just have another injustice to collect and say 'poor little me' which will make her happy.
Either you say no to her or we will send you to the other site where you will have to agree with Judy, Jojo, Rose, NoBull, Ajay, R4JC, etc.!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 22, 2011 8:30 PM ()
Oh! please! Not agreeing with the wingnuts on the other site! Anything but that! I am just going to try to avoid her as much as I can and conveniently have plans. The Center where we live furnishes rides to and from the doctors' offices from 9:30-to 2:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

She swears she just can't get her appts. scheduled between those times. She could if she tried, because others do.

I plan to avoid her every way that I can when she gets home from the hospital. She is one who will take advantage so long as a person lets her.
reply by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 8:52 AM ()
Move......NOW.....very far away.
Seriously, I had an albatross like that. I pretended I was busy, very busy. Too busy to stop and chat, too busy to talk on the phone and too busy to go anywhere with her. It took a few months for her to clue in but eventually she stopped calling.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 22, 2011 8:15 PM ()
That's what I am going to have to do. I really hate hurting anyone's feelings; but I just DO NOT want to get myself embroiled in this woman's problems.

All she ever does is put down her children and other people in our complex. I don't like talking about people, so it is time to distance myself. comment by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 10:54 AM (CST) [ reply ]
reply by redimpala on Mar 23, 2011 8:56 AM ()

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