I just watched a commercial for Hyundai and it was highlighting their newest selling point: RAIN DETECTING WINDSHIELD WIPERS (I don't really know what it's called in English-is there a word/term for a rain detecting windshield wiper though?)
Ummmm.... do we really need this? If you're driving and it's starts to rain and you can't tell- maybe you shouldn't be driving.
Also, how hard is it to turn on your own wipers? Are people injuring themselves trying to switch the wipers on?
I just don't understand why we are so lazy? Excuse me, I have to go look for the tv remote because getting up to switch the tv manually would be too much effort.
Sorry, I'm in a really pissed-off mood. I get pissed off whenever I turn on the TV: Stupid commercials, stupid TV Shows, and STUPID NEWS.
And here's one I'd like to share. But first of all, I wonder if anybody here loves potato chips? I'm not much of a "salt" person-I'm more into tic tacs.
A ten year-old boy somewhere in South Carolina LOVES potato chips -so much that when his 9 year old sister wouldn't share her bag with him he went inside the house and got his father's loaded shot gun and shot her in the face.
The sister is still alive and has undergone extensive plastic surgery. The parents of the children say the little boy loves his sister but he was just not taking his medication for hyperactivity. And since you probably already know my English is not really that good-is there another definition of "love" I'm unaware of?
Oh did I mention that the boy had pulled the gun on his cousin in the past- but don't worry it wasn't loaded that time.
I hope we all find love as deep as this little boy's love for potato chips.
Love, Rara
p.s. Don't have guns in the house!
p.s.s. Don't have LOADED guns in the house!
p.s.s.s. Don't have guns at all!
p.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s. Don't have children!
You know, sometimes, when you're driving, and there's a small rain.. it's not big enough so that you need to turn on the wiper on the slowest speed, cos it's still too fast for the small rain, but you still need to occasionally turn it on. So you end up turn it on and off. Now, wont you just wish that there's a slower speed setting for the wiper. How about a wiper that can automatically adjust it's speed according to how large the rain is.
Now, it's not really important and a must have item. But, it's convenient.
And being convenient is a good thing. You wont get annoyed as much. the happier the driver, the safer the driving experience is. hehehe..