We went to the zoo the other day and I enjoyed it. It was fun watching all the animals. They were fun to watch and they also made me hungry.
Yes, I really did just say that the animals in the zoo made me hungry. Well, the fish did anyway. Those fish in the big aquarium looked a lot yummier than the ones I see at the fish market.

Now before you judge me, let me just tell you that apparently the people at the zoo feel the same way about their fish. They had this big sign that said that fish were not only fun to watch, but also really great to eat. Seriously. The sign even showed a picture of some fish sticks (like that qualifies as fish! I think it's the same as talking about chicken nuggets when discussing chicken).
Where am I going with this? Oh yeah, so I like eating fish or any kind of meat for that matter. I love vegetarian food too, I have just never been very compelled to give up meat, for the simple reason that I honesty do not care about eating animals.
I also do not mind vegetarians or vegans. To each their own. Just do not try to “convert†me while I am trying to enjoy a nice steak. That’s mean, or just plain annoying.

Maybe I don’t care about eating animals because I do not have any pets. Actually, I think it is more likely I do not have any pets because I don’t really care about animals.
Cats-just like kids-are only fun when they are someone else’s. You can pat them and cuddle them and play with them, then when they start to bore you, you get to leave. You get to go home to your hair-free apartment. Don’t even get me started on dogs.
The thing is, I'm just a really careless person. So there you go-please don't hate me.
I don't try to shove it down people's throats, but there are times I hafta rant about animal treatment because to me, I think they think and feel just like we do and deserve some respect.
But I digress...
I think it's cool that you speak your mind so freely.