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Niki Loves To Eat

Niki Loves To Eat > Nikilovestoeat's Comments

Nikilovestoeat's Comments

What a great new year!!!! I had to put my beloved Boxer to sleep on December 26th, so I stayed home and kissed my two remaining dogs at midnight and worked on NOT eating everything in sight and drinking too much. It worked splendidly. My bro and sis-in-law are pregnant with their 3rd this year (2 miscarriages). We are SO hopeful for this one. Pray for me and I'll pray for you, sister!
Comment on Happy Happy New Year! - Jan 1, 2009 6:38 AM ()
Good for you! I'm stoked that my new place (Dec. 16th) will also have a nice gym. This is a big plus, because I refuse to pay for a gym membership!
Comment on It Occurred to Me Today ... . - Nov 4, 2008 8:41 AM ()
1. If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?

A: Anything working with big cats.

2. You discover that your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mix-up at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?

A: I am not a fan of children. Yes, I said it. So, they can have both.

3. What is the most beautiful man-made object?

A: Dogs

4. If you were a migrating bird, where would you fly for the winter?

A: Somewhere I could sneak peoples' fruity drinks.

5. What is the longest walk you've ever taken?

A: About 5 miles.

6. What item that you don’t currently possess would you most like to have in your home?

A: A leather sleeper sofa

7. You have arranged an evening with a friend, but on the day preceding your date a special opportunity arises to do something much more exciting. How do you handle the situation?

A: Depends. I'm never looking for the next best thing, but I'd probably invite friend with me.

8. You were on your way to the store to play the lottery, and a friend asked you to play his/her lottery number for them while you were out. The friend asked you to pay for the ticket and he/she would give you the money when you returned. Before you returned with their ticket you found out their number won for $2.5 million. Would you give them the winning ticket even though they never gave you the money to pay for it?

A: Hrm. Toughy.

9. For $1 million would you be willing to never again see or talk to your best friend?

A: *shrug* Maybe. Hee.

10. You’re watching the season premiere episode of your favorite TV show when you receive a call from a friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Would you talk to your friend and miss the show, or would you return the call when the show ended?

A: OMG. Would not even pick up. Sorry.

11. What particular sound annoys you the most?

A: Dogs licking themselves ooks me out!

12. You’ve won $25 million in the lottery.

A: Open a HUGE dog rescue.

13. Your close friend asks - and genuinely wants - your opinion on something, but your opinion is one that he is likely to find quite painful. Would you tell him the truth?

A: Absolutely.

14. Would you like to know the precise date of your death?

A: Absolutely not.

15. You've been given the ability to be invisible for 24 hours. What would you do during that time?

A: Oh, dirty, dirty thoughts revolving around pro football locker rooms!

16. If you were to name the absolute best gift you ever received as a child, what would it be?

A: Trumpet

17. What one Christmas tradition would you never want to give up?

A: Celebrating Christ's birth

18. What is the largest gift you've ever received?

A: A car

19. What is the most expensive gift you've ever received?

A: That same car

20. What is the most expensive gift you've ever given?

A: Hrm. I dunno.

21. What is the best time you've ever had with your family?

A: Fishin' together

22. If you were at a friend’s house for a holiday dinner and you found a dead cockroach in your salad, what would you do?

A: Tell friend discreetly

23. What’s the dumbest purchase you’ve ever made?

A: I have no idea.

24. What is the most romantic present anyone has ever given you?

A: Bracelet/ring from my college sweetie.

25. What is the most useful gift you’ve ever been given?

A: Life
Comment on A Brilliant Quiz from Ducky - Oct 29, 2008 10:26 AM ()
I have whole grain pasta, chicken broth, evaporated skim, etc. All I need is some cheese. I'm going to try it this evening, and I'll let you know how it was!
Comment on Monday and Mac-n-cheese - Oct 26, 2008 7:04 AM ()
Sounds easy and flavorful for a change. I'm gonna try to lighten it up for Weight Watchers!
Comment on Monday and Mac-n-cheese - Oct 24, 2008 7:41 AM ()
OK, miss! Here is your swift kick in the pants! No more ice cream! No more pie! No more excuses! Listen to you - want some cheese with that whine?? Hmmm?? If you don't count it from here on in, you don't eat it. Are you hearing me? Don't make me come up all that way just to whip you into commission in person. I fully support your efforts, and I want to see your successes multiply! YOU CAN DO THIS! I know you CAN!
Comment on I Missed My - Oct 22, 2008 4:31 PM ()
I feel for you! I had shingles about 6 years ago after a traumatic car accident. It was from my knee up to my lower back. I was never in my life so exhausted and miserable. Please take care of yourself!
Comment on Shingles! in My Mouth! - Oct 22, 2008 4:19 PM ()
I firmly believe that women have low self esteem to the extent that they do not believe they deserve better. Sad but true. I'm 35, never married, and happy. Men STILL ask me why I'm single, as if I've got some horrible disease. I answer,"Forever is a really long time to spend with someone I don't adore."
Comment on What is it with Women - Oct 22, 2008 4:17 PM ()
I also am a fan of dark meat for the flavor. I don't mind the extra pointage.
Comment on Another Delicious Accident - Oct 20, 2008 6:13 PM ()
Dude, these things almost made me wet myself the first time I saw them. This site has a complete listing, and I still snort when I read:
Comment on Yummy - Oct 18, 2008 9:27 PM ()
Awwwwwwwww, big congrats to you!!!!!!!!
Comment on Introducing, My Newest Grandchild - Oct 17, 2008 2:23 PM ()
I am SO very proud of you! Tomorrow, I have my weigh in at night for the second time. Scale is showing 11.2 lbs. gone since I started this journey as of this morning. Pray the WW scale is nice to me tomorrow night!
Comment on Thank You Niki - Oct 15, 2008 12:09 PM ()
Those candy bars have boogers in them!!! HEE!
Comment on I Almost Made It - Oct 11, 2008 6:09 PM ()
Oh, please take lots of Advil! I hope you don't get too cold-y from it!
Comment on Owie! Owie! Owie! - Oct 11, 2008 5:50 PM ()
Donuts and the like are my weakness. Being single, I don't allow them in the house, and I thank God I don't work in an office environment, so food temptation is not a problem. What a huge inspiration your will-power is!
Comment on Motivator - Oct 7, 2008 4:25 PM ()

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