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Life & Events > Work and Play (Or Well, Script)

Work and Play (Or Well, Script)


DMC called Manager today to give her official notice. Manager asked her to write him a letter explaining that her decision to leave was because she was moving, and not because of issues she has with him. "Oh, I do have issues," DMC confirmed. Ha! Manager had a meeting with CEO this afternoon... hmm... do you think he might've been concerned? *wicked evil grin* I'm sure he knew another person leaving is just another nail in his coffin.

Manager also asked DMC not to tell the rest of us that she was leaving until he has time to absorb it. Umm... yeah... Kinda too late for that one. But we told DMC that we'd play along and let him be the one to break the news. Actually, it's funny but GD had the same reaction as me today when DMC shared the news with her... incredulous laughter, followed by, "We should be panicking... I don't know why I find this so funny?"

I guess if you don't laugh, you'd have to cry. But the truth is, I think we've all gotten to the point where this is just a job. Nothing more.

Play (or well, Script)

In other news, our Production Manager that J n' I hired to create a budget and shooting schedule for our movie emailed us today. Apparently she's been contacting a bunch of production companies trying to help us get the ball rolling. It's so awesome that she really believes in us. I mean, out of all the Production Managers out there... we hired one who really "got" our script. Nothing happens by accident though, does it?

Ever organized, J just informed me a few minutes ago that we currently have a list of 58 companies who have either contacted us about our script, or J has cold called them. 10 are currently reading the script, 11 have requested info which may lead to a script request, 18 have either passed or said we need an agent, and the others are ongoing. I'm not sure what he means by ongoing... I'll have to get him to elaborate on that.

In any case, certainly no one can accuse us of slacking and sitting back waiting for something to happen. Mind you, J has been the one doing all the cold calling, not me -- then again, I've been organizing all the weddingmoon stuff so I guess it evens out. I have also proofed/written many of the emails he has sent out to these production companies. Not to mention, I'm also the sunshine fairy who constantly blows rainbows of positivity up his butt every time we get another pass. (He has his moments where he takes the rejection kind of hard.) But it will happen. I know it will... The when and the how will take care of itself.

posted on Apr 25, 2008 4:42 PM ()


"All things cometh to him who waiteth...if he worketh like HELL as he waiteth. Sounds like you're working like Hell!!! It will come! I can feel it in my bones!
comment by hayduke on Apr 28, 2008 10:00 AM ()
Thanks for the update!I hope it's okay that I at "I'm also the sunshine fairy who constantly blows rainbows of positivity up his butt".
comment by janetk on Apr 28, 2008 6:02 AM ()
Good luck on getting it going!
comment by hopefields on Apr 27, 2008 10:03 PM ()
Just keep doing what your doing, sounds like you all are on the right track, just don't give up. I'm looking forward to seeing it when it comes out..
comment by elfie33 on Apr 26, 2008 9:24 AM ()
That is just exciting. Seriously. I wish you guys all the luck in the world!!
As far as your work.... well... I think you are doing just fine!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 25, 2008 9:51 PM ()
Persistence is the key if you of luck!
comment by strider333 on Apr 25, 2008 8:22 PM ()
somebody will take a chance on this movie and they will be so glad they did! its such a slow process though isn't it? I am dying to see it!
comment by elkhound on Apr 25, 2008 5:48 PM ()
I'd love to read your script. I wouldn't share it with anyone, but if you want to, we'll swap addresses. I've read lots and lots of scripts, used to do it for HBO. Let me know, sweetie. Deb
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 25, 2008 4:44 PM ()

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