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Automotive > Them's the Breaks

Them's the Breaks

For the last week n' a half our car has had really squeaky breaks on the right side. Even though J said the breaks seem to be working just fine, I encouraged him to call the dealership to have them check it out. Our car is still under warranty until December, so if something was faulty, there's a chance it might be covered. Unfortunately, the dealership couldn't take us in until August, and we didn't want to take our chances sitting around waiting for our breaks to suddenly fail, so J made an appointment with Canadian Tire instead.

We took the car in yesterday, and the verdict was that the right break pad (the squeaky one) was pretty worn -- even though it had been gripping okay. Apparently the left break pad was worn out too, just not quite as bad. Now, I'm no mechanic, but I don't know how one break pad could be worse than the other, because when you apply the breaks, wouldn't the pressure be distributed evenly? And is it normal for break pads to wear out just after three years? That seems kinda quick to me. But of course, like I said, what do I know.... We do live in a hilly area, so our breaks probably wear out quicker than someone who lives in the Prairies.

The folks at CT suggested that we get both pads replaced, and we agreed. Better than just getting one replaced and then having to return in another three months for the other.

Okay, now let's just fast forward through two hours of coffees, aimless wandering, and grocery store loitering. Almost three hundred dollars later, the car was ready to go.

As we drove home, J applied pressure on the breaks, testing out the grip, expecting it to be more jarring now that everything had been fixed.

"I don't know... it actually feels the same," he said. "Then again, the breaks never really felt bad in the first place, they were just squeaky... at least it's quiet now."

As we came over the mountain on our last leg of the drive home, J let out a "WHOA!" and stomped down hard. "They're totally losing their grip!"

We made it down the hill safely, and rounded the corner. J tested them again... "Yup, they're getting worse." As he pulled over to the side of the road, smoke started billowing from my side.

"Oh my gawd! Stop! Stop!" I yelled.

"Stop is right!" J shouted.

What the F*CK?!

I jumped out of the car, and J got on his cell phone with Canadian Tire to explain the situation.

"Just bring it back," the lady in the service department said.

Bring it back?!

"Um, to be honest, I don't feel safe driving it. Like I said, the breaks aren't working," J reiterated.

J normally isn't a hot head anyway, but I still admired his cool in this ridiculous situation. "Bring it back"? Ha. Obviously she wasn't listening very carefully, now was she?

Canadian Tire agreed to send a tow truck, but said that since they were close to closing, they would have to keep the car overnight. Great. At least we were only a 15 minute walk from home, or they'd be paying for our cab ride too. Although I kinda wish we had taken a cab... because unlike Nancy Sinatra, these wedges weren't made for walkin' -- especially after I had already RUN for quite a distance trying to find a friggin' street sign on this stupid back road, just so we could give directions to the tow truck... who still couldn't find us for the longest time, btw. Arg. I should also note, that I later realized (after the tow truck had come and gone) that my gym shoes were in my bag in the back seat... yes, those might've been better for RUNNING in. Sometimes I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch. J tried giving me a piggy back home, but I swear it was more fun slowly walking barefoot in the gravel, than trying to hang off his back in the muggy heat.

Anyhow, fortunately we didn't have anywhere super important to be last night... like giving a eulogy at a funeral. Sure, we showed up to our friend's birthday party a little late, but it was within walking distance (... and a whole other story in itself. Ugh.) But anything else we wanted to do yesterday, can wait until we get our car back today.... well, that is IF we get our car back today.

I sure hope we get some kind of compensation for this B.S. too. I mean, we go in with squeaky breaks, and then we leave with no breaks at all. At least they solved the problem -- it *was* a quiet ride home... well, not that we actually ever made it home.

posted on July 27, 2008 9:39 AM ()


It sounds the CT ripped you off?? Man oh Man, I'd be fuming!!!
Heck, I'm fuming now and it's not even my problem.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 29, 2008 7:01 AM ()
Boy! You sure seem pretty calm about the whole situation! I admire your coolness! I would have been VERY UPSET!!! Sounds like it was a fairly dangerous situation! And then the inconvience of being without a vehicle for all of that time!
As far as things mechanical are concerned, I'm a moron. (Witness my posts about the adventures with my riding lawn-mower!)I wouldn't know a brake pad if somebody tied me up and forced me to eat one. When I get into my car
and turn the key, if it doesn't's broke.
comment by hayduke on July 28, 2008 9:50 AM ()
HaH at just bring it back…obviously the part of I have no brakes didn’t get through...

I’d ask them to replace yer tyres too…you probably wore some of the tread off applying the non-working bloody brakes.

Sometimes it’s very hard to find a mechanic that you can trust in their honesty and workmanship.

Oh he is such a sweetheart giving you a piggyback…I sure know the FatCrankyBastid would never offer me THAT, if anything I’d have to carry him, the unfit slow-walking thing he is…
comment by dazeymae on July 27, 2008 11:37 AM ()

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