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Life & Events > Boring > Snow - F'real This Time

Snow - F'real This Time

Well, the grey clouds held out for just a few more days, but this morning J pointed out that there was thick fog clouding the top of the mountain down the street. I looked out the window to see it leave behind the lightest dusting of snow.

As we settled in to work, something bunged up with our internet connection, so while J called tech support, I decided to do a Timmy's run to kill a little time.

While I was out, I decided to make a pit stop at the drug store to pick up some hair dye. I swear these mousy roots feel like they've grown halfway down my head and I don't think I can shell out for my hairdresser to fix me up any time soon. I doddled around, listening to the cheery holiday tunes as I held chunks of my hair up to the colour samples on a thousand different boxes... okay, maybe only 5 different boxes. I decided to go with 'soft black' to avoid the same mismatch problem I had the last time I tried colouring my roots myself. Dark brown is never quite dark enough, and even though black is probably a shade too dark, I'm hopeful that it might prevent that stripy margin down my part.

By the time I crossed the parking lot over to Tim Hortons, the snow was starting to come down more noticeably. Even thought I know I'll be cursing the snow come January 2nd, something about the first snowfall feels magical, and so I couldn't help but smile at everyone I passed -- A young mother with her child. An old man. Some young construction-looking guys. The lady serving me at Tim Hortons. The other lady who prepared my breakfast sandwich at the opposite end of the counter. I found that I even had a little skip to my step. Then by the time I left with our coffees and my sandwich, I was excited to see that the snow had grown even thicker.

Now, as I sit in the living room and look outside, it feels as if we're in a well-shaken snow globe. A lot of it is still melting by the time it reaches the ground, but it sure looks festive out. Of course, I think it's easier for me to get uplifted by the first presence of the white stuff... I don't have a driveway to shovel.

posted on Nov 28, 2008 11:46 AM ()


Don't know how I missed this post!

That snow globe feeling *is* pretty magical.
comment by janetk on Dec 3, 2008 10:56 AM ()
snow id great when you don't hafta go anywhere...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 3, 2008 8:42 AM ()
I love the warm and close feeling the first snow gives me as I gaze out on it from the other side of a warm window pane! It reminds me of my grandmother and her warm quilts that weighed down upon me, giving me a feeling of love and security as I slept in her HUGE bed when I was kid! Good feelings.
comment by hayduke on Dec 1, 2008 11:42 AM ()
No snow here yet. We usually have a bunch by now but we are still wearing short sleeves in the afternoons. Must be the global warming?
comment by meranda on Dec 1, 2008 7:22 AM ()
When I taught, the first snow of the season always brought out the glee in the children! They thought they would get out of school early. Fat chance!
comment by solitaire on Nov 29, 2008 6:49 AM ()
I am jealous of the snow! I hope we actually get some good snow this year! have a cup of hot chocolate for me, with mini marshmallows!
comment by elkhound on Nov 28, 2008 4:01 PM ()
Nice to see folks can appreciate snow! I'm kind of tired of it already, and it's not even December!
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 28, 2008 2:14 PM ()
We love snow here.So refreshing.Yes,I may complain about this and do loved the snow and winter.This is life.
comment by fredo on Nov 28, 2008 1:48 PM ()
Snow!! It's going to be 80 degrees (Fahrenheit) on Sunday! Well, then again, it NEVER snows here... Happy Winter!
comment by sunlight on Nov 28, 2008 12:13 PM ()
I'm so jealous! We were supposed to get snow yesterday, today, and tomorrow, but it's not even cloudy today. But don't tell that to the online weather people: they are showing us as cloudy all day. One time I thought I would try going blonde but was just overwhelmed by all the choices so I gave it up until I decide I'm getting too gray.
comment by troutbend on Nov 28, 2008 12:06 PM ()

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