Alright, everyone else has this on their blog and it looks like fun. Since I have nothing else better to write about today, I think I'm gonna do it too.
Finish The Sentence....
Body: Bigger than a breadbox.
Someday... I'll pack up my desk and won't look back.
There are... so many exciting things on the horizon.
I can't stand... imaginary conversations that leave me upset.
I wish... I had all the paperwork done for this overseas marriage stuff.
I don't know... what I'm going to make for dinner tonight.
I want... to own a house someday, but I'm willing to wait.
When I see... my aunt calling, I tend not to answer.
Only when... we sign on with a production company will I be able to achieve my goals.
I need... to just keep believing.
I love... J, sunny days, and dreaming.
I hate... that my finger nails don't grow.
Why can't... everyone practice the "golden rule"?
I wonder... when everything will all come together for us.
I'm sad... when I think I might have hurt someone's feelings.
I'm happy... a lot of the time.
I don't need... much to be happy.
I can't... stop thinking about the future.
I believe... good things are coming.
If I could, I would... quit my job and just write, paint, and travel for the rest of my days.
YAY! That was fun.