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Life & Events > Dreams, Goals and Desires ~ Part One

Dreams, Goals and Desires ~ Part One

Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any to sit down n' figure out my dreams, goals and desires list for 2010.

Actually, to be honest, I did this a couple days ago... I'm just stealing this post from my other blog. Yes, unfortunately since I created a "public" blog for my family n' friends, this private one has been getting sorely neglected. That should probably be one of my goals this year, to paste my posts over here more often. Anyhooo... as I was saying....

Inspired by an article on my old calendar, this was something that I had started doing a couple years ago, instead of traditional resolutions. Which, to be honest, are actually kinda lame to begin with when you think about 'em. I have yet to meet anyone who has sincerely stuck to a New Year's resolution -- except my cousin who resolved to take a photo a day and post it on FB. (And what wonderful photos and stories too!) And then our friend RM, who I believe finally quit smoking as a NY resolution. But even he likely had the intention to quit for about 20 years, until he wanted it badly enough to finally stick to it, and do it for himself.

Otherwise, I find that resolutions are usually half-hearted endeavours that we put off by saying, "I'll start after New Years..." It's another temporary excuse to procrastinate on doing something until a later date. Then suddenly NYE arrives, and you're forced to sh*t to get off the pot. (Classy expression, I know. ;) I think if you really wanted to change your life in some way - however small or large - then you would do it today. Why set a future date, unless it's a procrastination device?

Of course, I've half-heartedly set resolutions every year as well. But I really like this different approach, as suggested by my 2008 calendar. Basically, you write out your dreams, goals and desires (as outlined below), and then you tuck it away and forget about it until the following year.

To quote the calendar:

"Dreams are the voice of the soul. Lofty things that seem impossible or impractical, but resonate within you. Goals are the voice of the brain. Finite, simple and every day. And desires are the yearnings of an emotional or spiritual nature; they are not necessarily of this world, but are the deepest desires of the heart."

So first, let's review a few of last years...


* To become an established writer.
Progress: Obviously not yet, but at least I'm getting paid to write. So that's something.

* To make our movie this year.
Progress: Well, yes and no. We didn't actually get to make the movie. But we did find producers and entered development. You gotta start somewhere. I'm satisfied with that.


* Read 10 books before the end of the year.
Progress: By the year's end, I had started on my 20th book. Not too shabby.

* Finish two paintings by the end of the year.
Progress: Let's see... Since the beginning of the year, I've finished up half of one which was an abstract magnolia tree. Then I painted a set of three, all tulips. Painted another one after that of sea shells. Then I started one more of an ocean wave that I'm now half-way done. So, all in all, I guess that makes the equivalent of 5 paintings.

Not bad! I guess the key is just using smaller canvases, and having a reason to get it done, like a birthday or something. Honestly, I usually dawdle when it comes to painting, getting an average of one and a half completed each year.


*To be more in tune with my Higher Self.
Progress: Hmm... not so much. I didn't meditate nearly as often as I had intended to, and I didn't journal a whole lot either.

I usually have three journals on the go (excluding my blogs, of course), and this year I only had two...

The first journal is more of a spiritual nature. Insights discovered through meditation. Poetic thoughts.

The second is usually more goal-focused. Stories and experiences. Other types of poetic inklings.

Then the third is a day timer and where I do the majority of my nightly reflections. I outline what I did in a few quick sentences, and then choose a word that best describes my day. There would also be an area where I would track my weekly accomplishments, lessons and insights, as well as hopes and dreams for the following week.

Usually meditation leads me to writing in the first journal. And my day timer will often inspire me to pick up one of the two to go into greater description.

Therefore.... No meditation + No third journal = Very little time spent connecting with my higher self.

Okay, and now... for the sake of staying brief, maybe I'll finish that second half of this post a little later as I explore my dreams, goals and desires for the coming year...

posted on Jan 8, 2010 8:13 PM ()

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