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Life & Events > Goals, Dreams and Desires - Part Deux

Goals, Dreams and Desires - Part Deux

After giving it some thought, I don't think my dreams and desires will really change that much for 2010... there's still a lot of work to be done from where I left off last year. Even so, I'll include them here in my list, as well as my new goals for the year, which I'm going to try to make a bit more ambitious than last year's.


* To become an established writer.
To me, the definition of "established" means that I can make a comfortable living writing my own stuff, without taking on any additional contract work to help stay afloat longer than funding alone might allow.

* To get our movie made.
Yes, this might seem less of a dream and more of a goal, considering that we are about to enter pre-production. Although, I consider goals to be things I can control, and if you've ever bothered to watch the behind the scenes features for any movie, you'll know that there are always endless external challenges that can postpone the making of a movie for years.

For example, did you know that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button had been in the works since 1988, and yet it didn't hit theaters until Christmas '08. That's twenty years, people!! I don't want unforeseen circumstances to lock DE into a holding pattern for another 16 years.... or even two years for that matter. I want us to make the movie this year.

* To sign Albert Finney as our lead.
Okay, so I'd be satisfied if we got any of our top 5 choices for our lead. But because we wrote this script with Mr. Finney in mind, obviously it'd be a dream come true to get him on board.


* To paint 4 paintings, doubling my goal from last year.

* To get something published. I've been published before, but for personal reasons, I asked for the article to go uncredited. This time, I want to see something I've written in print, with my name attached. I don't care where.

* To take better care of my health by...

1. Drinking more water.
I want to try for 6 - 8 glasses a day. If I'm going to be honest with myself, right now I probably only average between 2 - 4.

2. Exercise more often.
In other words, go for a walk or work out at home at least 3 times a week. I've gotten incredibly sloth-like over this last year and haven't been getting out for walks or using my weights nearly as often as I should.

3. Do a complete cleanse twice a year.
Again, I've become so lazy about my health, I didn't do a single cleanse last year, and usually I'll do one. This year, I want to to do two.

4. Speak with a holistic nutritionist about maintaining a proper vegetarian diet.
As I may have mentioned before, my biggest beef (no pun intended) with meat is the factory farming. So I'll still eat fish on the rare occasion as a source of protein, because fish aren't tortured the same way as other animals are. However, when I really think about it, the truth is I don't particularly enjoy eating fish. Then, of course, I feel like a jerk because I've indirectly caused something to feel pain, suffocate and die, just so I can eat it when I don't even love the taste that much. (Taste-wise, I'd swap chicken for fish any day! I mean, who wouldn't?) So yeah, I think I'd like to speak with someone about how I can follow a proper vegetarian diet, and eliminate all meats and meat by-products without doing so unhealthfully.

* Travel to...

1. Somewhere tropical
2. Back to Ontario

Obviously, I'd love to go back to Europe, but financially, I just don't see that happening this year. I'd like to keep my goals somewhere within reach. That being said, I think a cheap all-inclusive trip to the sunny south (I've never been anywhere more tropical than San Diego), and a nice visit with friends n' family will do me just fine for now, if we can swing it.

* Volunteer.

I use to have my name on a local volunteer's list, so that whenever there was an organization or event in town looking for volunteers, they'd call me up. While I might not do that again, (I don't like unexpected phone calls and I always have a hard time saying no), I do think that I want to look into doing some volunteer work somewhere. Either environment-related or maybe working with seniors. Ideally, I've love to do crafts or painting with seniors... but I don't know if you need qualifications for something like that? I'll look into it...


* To be more in tune with my higher self.
Same as last year, but this year, I'm gonna try harder. I want to devote more time towards meditating and I want to get a day timer, because it really does help by forcing me to reflect every single day.

Okay, and that's it. So now that I've put it out there, I'll stuff this away to the back of my mind and try not to think too hard about it until next year. Then in January '11, we'll see how I've done.

posted on Jan 9, 2010 1:41 PM ()

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