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Entertainment > Movies > The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music

The other night we watched a neat independent movie called "Henry Poole Is Here."

From IMDB: "Henry Poole moves in to a house in his old neighbourhood, to spend what he believes are his remaining days alone. The discovery of a "miracle" by a nosy neighbour ruptures his solitude and restores his faith in life."

The movie could've easily gone wrong in so many ways, but I felt that it held together surprisingly well. It had a very original premise, rich characters, and unique situations. It was really well acted, and for the most part, it was quite a lovely little film... until the end.

I don't know... I think we all agreed that it kinda fell apart right after the climax. Henry's sudden "faith in life" was resolved a bit too quickly. The film held up well until that point, but it felt like it was missing a beat.

I would've enjoyed a more open ending where you don't know if Henry will touch the wall or not, thereby leaving it to the audience for discussion. Of course, that wouldn't make for a very popular ending among most audiences... People like to have resolution. And although Henry Poole experienced resolution, it felt unsatisfying in the form that it came, and like I said, it arrived a squeak too clean and quick.

Anyhow, now that I've opened this post on a complete tangent, I'll finally get to the point of what I originally came here to write about....

Before we watched the movie, we checked out all the trailers. One seemed like it was for an off-beat comedy; however, RM, who had seen the film, insisted that it was actually a rather dark and serious drama. He couldn't understand why they had chosen to use such campy music in the trailer. It really changed the tone.

This conversation then reminded me of a FABULOUS mock trailer for "The Shining". It's been around for quite a while, so you've probably already seen it... but if you haven't, then you must watch it! It's a real testament to the power of music. (Well, not to mention creative editing and a great voice-over.... but the music really pulls it all together.)

So well done! I love it!

posted on Dec 1, 2009 10:57 AM ()

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