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Life & Events > Dreams, Goals and Desires

Dreams, Goals and Desires

I've created New Year's resolutions in the past... but often I did not bother to write them down anywhere. They'd fade into the back of my mind, hidden behind all the other clutter that takes up so much every day space. Or, even the ones I remember, if I fall back on them, I find myself simply giving up or feeling guilty. As if I only have one chance to get it right. Then there's the matter that some resolutions involve external factors that are beyond our control or take years to accomplish. Situations change - we change - and sometimes those resolutions lose their relevance.

Then last year, my wall calendar provided a neat activity that puts a whole new spin on the resolution thing, which I'm going to share here. It involves breaking your resolutions down into three subsections. I won't write out the entire article, but instead just the paragraphs of relevance. Then I'll explain how I put them into practice last year, and how I plan to put them into practice this year.

Okay, first the activity:

"...Write a Dreams, Goals and Desires list. Dreams are the voice of the soul. Lofty things that seem impossible or impractical but resonate within you. Goals are the voice of the brain: finite, simple, and everyday. And desires are the yearnings of an emotional or spiritual nature; they are not necessarily of this world, but are the deepest desires of the heart.

When you make a resolution, think about lifting up your life and practices. Stay clear of guilt and shame. We have enough of that in our lives anyway, and we don't need to cultivate any more. And don't let other people's agendas creep on to your list. Keep it private, secret and hidden....

As you record the details, allow yourself to envision these things coming to fruition.... Think about creating space and time needed for these practices, adventures, or achievements.

Now, let it go. Put the list away somewhere safe. Don't feel like you have to achieve all (or any) of what is on it. Your dreams, goals, and desires are a part of you, and by putting them onto paper you have already made a space for them to exist.... (T)he list becomes a force of its own, and works its magic in the world.

Keep your Dreams, Goals, and Desires list hidden away until next year. Pull it out when you are ready to write your new list early in the New Year..."

Okay, so remember that last post where I mentioned that I had an old scaly-looking red journal on my nightstand? Well, it's sitting there because I had recently pulled it out to review what I had written on my list last year. I have to say that a couple of the items actually surprised me - resolutions that I was sure I'd achieve, but didn't - versus resolutions I didn't expect to achieve, and actually did. Anyhow here is my list from last year, along with an update on my progress.


To start a new career away from the office as an independent, established writer.

*Progress: I'm away from the office and I'm writing! So that's the biggest chunk of that resolution achieved. As for the "established" part, well, baby steps, right? I have no doubt that it'll come with time. The fact that I've progressed this far in a year is literally a dream come true.

To get our movie made.

*Progress: We've made huge strides over this last year. We already have a major investment, with a few other potential investors lined up. We have been provided some very useful feedback from industry professionals, which has allowed us to make our script stronger than ever before. We have made some excellent contacts, who want to help us out by opening any doors they can - including providing us with the opportunity to meet and pitch to some of their amazing contacts - contacts that we wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever meeting otherwise. Long story short, our movie hasn't been made... but I do believe we're well on our way.


To save up enough money for a wonderful elopement.

*Progress: Well, we eloped. I guess that about says it all. Of course, our credit cards helped... but even so, we did manage to save up most of the money on our own without using credit. We also paid for the whole trip ourselves without borrowing a cent from anyone.

To write more +
To paint more +
To meditate more =
Clean our that spare bedroom

*Progress: Well, first of all, that poor bedroom always ends up as a storage room. I've cleaned it many times, but I think I've spent more time cleaning it for friends and relatives who were staying with us, than I did for my own enjoyment. Maybe this year I'll have better luck.

As for the other three goals that tie into that one, if working on the script, blogging, and journaling counts as writing more, then I can check that off as being achieved. (All of which I did in either the living room, dining room or my bedroom - not the spare bedroom.)

I didn't finish the painting I started last spring, but I did paint a smaller one in the fall. Don't know if that counts as "more" though. I think I painted one and a half the year before, so I'm probably on par there. At least I finished something, even though I still didn't paint as much as I would have liked. (I painted in either the living room or outside on the balcony.)

Finally, to meditate more. Um, I never really marked down how many times I actually meditated, but I like to think I did it more last year. (Meditating usually took place in either the bathtub or my bedroom - and on the odd occasion, I actually got to use the spare bedroom when it was clean.)


Improve family relationships.

*Progress: This was one that I never expected to achieve, but I actually made some huge strides. My relationship with my dad vastly improved upon his visit in September. Also, my sister and I have gradually become closer through more frequent phone calls. It's been an ongoing process since she left her abusive ex four years ago. We're probably closer now than we've ever been.

Enhance my awareness. (In other words, get more in touch with my Higher Self.)

*Progress: It's a life long journey, but I think I'm more in sync now than I had been for a long time. This really goes hand in hand with meditating more, and I had really fallen out of practice for a couple years.


Okay, and now even though the article said to put my list away and forget about it, I figure I'll go ahead and share my resolutions for 2009 with you all anyway. What does it hurt, right?


To become an established writer. (And when I say established, I really mean "paid" or "financially secure"... not famous. Maybe I should've written that instead?)

To make our movie this year. (Hey, it could happen. I can dream, can't I?)


Read 10 books before the end of the year. (A simple task for some, but I find that I don't make much time for reading every day. And when I do, I usually have several books on the go, so it takes me a while to finish them. For instance, I have at least 5 books with bookmarks in them right now, but the only two I'm actively reading at the moment are Schultz and Peanuts (a biography about Charles Schultz) and Story (a highly recommended book about screenwriting.)

Finish at least two paintings before the end of the year. (My track record for the last few years has been about 1.5.)


To be more in tune with my Higher Self. (A lifelong journey, but worth adding to the list.)

Now, I've had a couple other goals slip through my mind now and then... like *keep* the spare bedroom clean, start a new screenplay by June, learn about 10 different plants that are native to this area, put myself out there to meet new like-minded people, try to nip negative imaginary conversations in the bud, make more gifts instead of buying things... Although I haven't added any of these to my list. But they're definitely worth considering.

posted on Jan 11, 2009 3:31 PM ()


That sounds like a good way to breakdown planning of where you want to go with your life.
comment by stiva on Jan 12, 2009 7:22 AM ()
great post for the new year
comment by meranda on Jan 12, 2009 6:54 AM ()
I *loved* that!I think I'm going to copy the article part if you don't mind...wise words and great exercises.
comment by janetk on Jan 12, 2009 6:23 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Jan 11, 2009 8:33 PM ()
Mel, that is an excellent idea! and I love your list! I think I might try this. as always, I wish you the best with the movie deal!!!! I am so dying to see it!
comment by elkhound on Jan 11, 2009 3:50 PM ()
nice... I love this. I might hafta try it! Congrats on the progress girl!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 11, 2009 3:50 PM ()
That is quite a heavy load there.Good Luck.
comment by fredo on Jan 11, 2009 3:45 PM ()

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