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Love As Much As You Can

Home & Garden > Wow! That Was Easy!

Wow! That Was Easy!

While sorting through boxes in the family room I happened upon a set of the 1910 Harvard Classics series. I set it aside thinking they'd be great to put in the bookcase next to the fireplace. I didn't get to it until today. They look great in there, don't you think?

I didn't know if it was complete till I started putting them away. Turns out volume 46 was missing. I checked ebay on the off chance that they might have just that volume for just that year. Happily, THEY DID! So I opened an ebay account and bought it on the spot. How 'bout that? Ten minutes later I got an email stating that it had been shipped already. Amazing!

posted on Sept 19, 2012 12:15 PM ()


That's a good idea.

Books are something I cannot part with. I love books and I like a enormous supply of them around me for when I get into my reading phase. I'm a very fast reader and when I get in one of those phases, I can pour through dozens of books so I want them at my fingertips when that happens. While I like the look of books, I love to read them so sets that may be missing some in the series are okay provided they're a good read!
comment by whereabouts on Sept 27, 2012 5:39 AM ()
Oh, boy, I so understand. I can't stand a cluster-f*ck of stuff, ESPECIALLY when it's someone else's crap! It sucks the energy right out of you.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 25, 2012 7:42 AM ()
You said it! I got rid of a lot of FIL's books but still kept quite a few. Sadly, when push comes to shove, I find non-coordinating books unappealing to look at. I'm devising a plan for them to be behind some full length cupboard doors that I salvaged years ago.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 26, 2012 6:19 PM ()
Yes, they look awesome!
comment by whereabouts on Sept 19, 2012 5:46 PM ()
Thanks! #46 arrived Friday so they're now complete! I just LOVE having some sense of order and completion, even if it's just a row or two of books!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 5:56 PM ()
You have better success with ebay than I do! WTG!
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 19, 2012 4:37 PM ()
It's my first time using them in a loooong time. It's changed a lot... at least in this instance.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 20, 2012 11:50 AM ()
The books look really nice there. Ebay is so handy for situations like yours when you need a specific thing, and don't have time to shop for it in antique stores.
comment by troutbend on Sept 19, 2012 2:28 PM ()
Thanks! So true! I couldn't believe my luck!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 20, 2012 11:49 AM ()

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