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Life & Events > Skunk! Aaack!

Skunk! Aaack!

I'm pretty sure it lives under our house. I've seen it walk past our sliding glass window. This evening as I was watching TV with the cat on my lap I heard the cat dish clinking. It startled me cuz I knew it wasn't the cat. I thought maybe the skunk had crawled through the cat door and was helping itself. I didn't want to get up to look cuz I didn't want to startle it if it was a skunk!

Well, it was a skunk alright, and it must have been startled anyway cuz not long after that the familiar skunk odor began permeating the atmosphere. Last time our house smelled like skunk it took weeks for it to go away. I've been thinking about calling some kind of pest control for awhile but obviously I procrastinated and am now paying for it.

I guess it's time to get serious about claiming this house for ourselves and banishing all else. At present, besides the skunk, we have a possum who comes around. We have birds in the chimney. We have a wasp nest in the engine compartment of a neighbor's car that is parked in our driveway. Who knows what else.

Boundaries were never my strong suit. Guess I gotta work on that some more.

posted on Sept 23, 2012 1:15 AM ()


I smelled a skunk the other night and googled it. It's hard to get them to spray - first they stomp their front feet as a warning (of course dogs don't know this is a warning). But if they have sprayed lately, the smell can stick to their fur. I think that's why we smell them when they are just strolling around.
comment by troutbend on Sept 23, 2012 8:25 PM ()
I never saw it so I didn't have a chance to catch the warning signs. The neighbors have five dogs, so maybe I've mistaken where the skunk was located when it sprayed, or what triggered it. All I know is that the stench kept me up all night.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 10:01 PM ()
Swallows typically nest in the chimney but they leave before winter. A Chimney sweep in early spring or the warm part of winter will take care of that. That can't nest in there if it's clean because there's nothing to adhere their homes to.

The skunk? I have one nearby too. I think he/she is under the driveway in the drainage pipe. Possums are harmless and only make a mess if you leave edibles outside. I know mothballs work to deter rabbits from gardens and I wonder if that would work for a skunk? Anyway, skunks are nomadic so they'll not stay there. It must be a she and she took up residence to raise her young. I'm thinking they're about gone now, so she'll be leaving soon.

Clean your house with this:

1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon Dawn® liquid dish soap
comment by whereabouts on Sept 23, 2012 9:24 AM ()
When we first arrived back in Ca, the swallows were so noisy you couldn't hear yourself think! I was pretty sure there were baby birds in there, so I left them alone. It's much quieter now, but we still hear them occasionally. Sounds like I can evict them soon, huh. Good! The possum is really cute, and I really don't mind him. The skunk, well, the house still reeks from last night. Since it's not the first time, I'm sure it won't be the last. I want her gone!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 5:55 PM ()
Geez.. the skunk odor stays around for six weeks. We let one of the boys in after he got hit and that was enough to contaminate the house... nothing can really be done after it dries in about 15 minutes. Good luck, most of those critters will cause problems if you don't regain control.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 23, 2012 7:07 AM ()
Yep. It really reeks in here! I couldn't sleep because of it. Thankfully the weather is still pretty decent and I can leave the doors and windows open. But I gotta get rid of these pests!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 7:28 AM ()

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