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Home & Garden > Progress! Need Advice.

Progress! Need Advice.

I've been sick the past few days so I haven't posted about the progress that we've made. I say 'we' because I'd hired a lady to help me a couple of days a week, and, though it was hard for me, I've also allowed the people from church to come over and lend a hand in a variety of ways.

One person donated a shop vac so that I could get all the mouse dung off the rug. Another member hauled forty boxes of books off to the church thrift store drop box. Three other guys pulled up the rug and loose vinyl tiles. They also buried a dead cat that was found in the wood pile. The 'senior missionaries' have been helping me move stuff around as I've sorted. Things are getting done!

These are the before pics of the family room....

This is what it looks like now. I left a buffet and an armoire (in three pieces) in that room because I'm not sure what to do with them at present but I think they might be useful later on.

Now I need to hire someone to fix the hole in the ceiling so I can re-paint. I am undecided as to whether to keep the wainscoting so if you have an opinion on that subject, please feel free to share it. After the ceiling and walls are done I'll hire another person to lay some flooring. I'm thinking of laminate so that my daughter can dance on it.

posted on Sept 23, 2012 8:48 AM ()


Wow, big change there! I would try to remove the wainscoting, or paint it if it would be too much work (use a GOOD primer!).
comment by crazylife on Sept 26, 2012 9:04 PM ()
Yeah, a good primer is crucial!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 27, 2012 10:38 AM ()
Ditch the blinds. lol
comment by whereabouts on Sept 25, 2012 11:58 AM ()
They're not blinds, they're drapes. At first sight they are pretty shocking and outdated. Strangely enough, they are kind of growing on me. They go with a lot of the artwork I was going to put in there. I was thinking of keeping the full length ones as side panels on the ends of both windows, with sheers in the middle, and some kind of valance that goes almost to the ceiling to pull it together. Just a thought.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 26, 2012 6:15 PM ()
Agree, either higher or lower. Good luck!!!
comment by whereabouts on Sept 25, 2012 7:31 AM ()
Thanks! I'm gonna test it out with a band of paint.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 25, 2012 11:18 AM ()
I have to add my two cents. If you paint the wainscoting the same color
as the wall, it will disappear visually. I love the idea of laminate or
wood floors. Lots of sheers will soften the light and are pretty cheap at
Target or Walmart. It all depends on the cash you have to work with.
comment by elderjane on Sept 24, 2012 6:06 AM ()
Yes, I love the look of sheers! I have them spanning a large window in my living room. I've learned that if you bunch them together tight enough you can still have privacy.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 25, 2012 11:19 AM ()
WOW! What a difference.
I've taken wood panels off of walls and it was a lot of work not to mention repairing the wall underneath. I'd just paint the walls the same colour, wainscoting and all. I'd put in a laminate floor and ditch the orange curtains.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 23, 2012 5:23 PM ()
OH, I hadn't thought of that! It would certainly simplify the process! Thanks!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 5:49 PM ()
Oh, another thing I would do "IF" you were forced to leave the wainscoting is to cut in down. It's too high.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 23, 2012 3:39 PM ()
Exactly! That's what bugs me about it. It either needs to be higher or lower, not split down the middle like it is.
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 4:37 PM ()
That I completely understand, Maggie. One of my greatest talents is turning something into nothing with almost nothing. So, if you were limited because of funding and couldn't afford to take out the wainscoting (but I can't see why not, honestly, unless it's glued up there and you have to replace the drywall if you take it down), I'd say if it were real wood, I would paint it but still use crown molding though I'd add a coordinating chair rail above the painted wainscoting. But, if money is not an issue and time and all that, then it's silly to leave it there. Start fresh and have some fun building from the base up rather than on top of what is already there. You'll have lots of fun picking everything out and deciding what you want to make that room into. Show pics while you're doing it!
comment by whereabouts on Sept 23, 2012 3:36 PM ()
You sound so much like me, typos and all! LOL! It also sounds like you've got a good sense for design. I'm like you in that I've taken a whole lot of 'nothings' and turned them into 'somethings' in my life. But then, I've also let a whole lot of 'nothings' gather dust and become obstacles while they waited to be turned into somethings. FIL isn't the only hoarder in the family, (though I think I've made great strides in that department!)

One thing I was considering was leaving it in, but visually extending it higher with paint, and another row of molding about a foot above the top. It may not look like much in the photo but it is real wood at least, and does shimmer when polished.

I've removed paneling before that was glued on and ended up having to do major wall repair. I haven't tried to pry this off to see how it's been applied. I noticed what seemed like a black, gap around one of the outlets and my biggest fear is that there might not be any sheetrock underneath, or that they were trying to hide something. I'm going to start by removing that outlet and see what I can see. Tomorrow, lol.

Since I have to have someone come and fix the ceiling anyway, though, it really isn't that big a deal to have him do other things if it's more than I can handle with a trowel and some mud. My biggest obstacle really is indecision. And that is why I appreciate your input so much!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 6:16 PM ()
LMAO! I did it AGAIN! One of my greatest talents is turning NOTHING into SOMETHING with almost nothing!

Gawd. I'm such a dork sometimes!
reply by whereabouts on Sept 23, 2012 3:37 PM ()
It's fantastic that you got some good help, because that job would be overwhelming alone. Having someone to haul stuff away for you is huge because that's often the hard part, finding somewhere to take it. I agree about getting rid of the wainscoting, and the laminate floor sounds really nice.
comment by troutbend on Sept 23, 2012 11:46 AM ()
Yes, the hauling and finding a place to take it part is the hardest for me, and these boxes were HEAVY. I had been doing it the slow way by taking a couple of boxes at a time to the Goodwill drop. Having forty boxes disappear in one trip was a real boost!

Thanks for encouraging me to get rid of the wainscoting. It helps to get another opinion. There was something about it that didn't appeal to me. It's hard for me to know when to leave well enough alone, and when a complete overhaul is in order. This helps a lot!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 12:52 PM ()
Get rid of the cheap wainscoting AND the 1980-81 vertical blinds. I like nice wainscoting but, sorry, that's not nice. Besides, the room is much too elongated for wainscoting. You need a solid vertical color from floor to ceiling to compensate for the unusually long layout of the room. Nice crown molding will help to pull the view up inside of horizontally. There are some great Pergo floors that would do well here and for what you want. A good look would be a light floor with dark trails combined with a darker trim and crown molding, almost a cherry color, would be stunning and help with long look of the room. Plus, you can incorporate almost any style of furniture and accessories with that look. Good luck.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 23, 2012 9:38 AM ()
I could tell what you meant. I'm glad to hear your opinion about the wainscoting and window treatments. I'm so used to trying to work with what I have that I sometimes lose perspective on what would actually look good. Thanks!
reply by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 12:42 PM ()
oops, pull the vie view up INSTEAD of horizontally. I really need to take the time to proof read before I post!
reply by whereabouts on Sept 23, 2012 9:39 AM ()

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