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Love As Much As You Can

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > Teach Your Parents Well

Teach Your Parents Well

It's hard to believe garbage day has come 'round again already.  Seems like just yesterday I was posting about it.  Got my bins out early this time.  Oh, the things that make me happy!
I cashed in some silver today.  The well was running dry.  My daughter had been complaining of headaches and blurry vision.  We'd gone to the opthamologist just to make sure there were no major issues with her eyes. Her eyes are healthy, she's just nearsighted.  $600 for the visit and glasses!  
It was also time again to pay for her dance lessons, and to pay for the priveledge of being in the Nutcracker. Another $400.  Ka-CHINGGG!  At least I caught a break at the gas station.  
The assistant principle called my daughter into his office again to talk about absences.  You're only allowed so many per term.  (The school loses money you know). He was so nice to her and told her what a good student she was, and how smart.  Her scores are in the top 10% of the state!
He told her she could do anything she wants in life.  He also asked if he needed to call mom about the absences.  She told him "NO.  My mom doesn't need the 'bad parent' lecture.  It's not her fault that I'm absent a lot".  He didn't call.  Thank you daughter!  
If she wasn't such a good student, responding as she did, I'm sure they would be all over me about it.  Not having to answer to anyone was one of the many blissful priveleges of home schooling, one I cringe at having to give up.  It's hard to go back to all the rules imposed on students (and parents), especially limiting how often you're allowed to be sick! My daughter, bless her heart, cheerfully rolls with it.
I'm sure I would do well to follow her example.


posted on Nov 7, 2012 8:58 PM ()


It would be an adjustment to go from the flexible schedule of home schooling to following the regimen of an institution; take some getting used to, I'm sure. And as you say, all of a sudden they are casting their fishy eye in your direction, but she handled it well.
comment by troutbend on Nov 8, 2012 9:55 AM ()
She did! Hopefully that will keep them at bay. I can't tell you how little tolerance I have left for small people in big positions, wagging their arrogant condescending fingers over things of little or no long term consequence.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 8, 2012 10:20 AM ()
smart girl you have there--hell!!! glasses are dear over there
comment by kevinshere on Nov 8, 2012 2:39 AM ()
You're not kidding! I was expecting to pay half that.
reply by maggiemae on Nov 8, 2012 10:14 AM ()
You can be very proud of your daughter's academic excellence. The top ten
percent in the state is really good.
comment by elderjane on Nov 8, 2012 2:13 AM ()
It surprised even me! I'm very proud of her, both academically and in her way of handling her life. She is a joy!
reply by maggiemae on Nov 8, 2012 10:14 AM ()
Is she 'sick' or just doesn't want to go to school?
comment by greatmartin on Nov 7, 2012 9:45 PM ()
As far as being sick goes, she does have physical complaints, such as the allergy symptoms and headaches I've mentioned in this and other posts. It's why we went to the eye doctor, and was one of the reasons I was so eager to pull up our filthy rug. However, I don't think she was sick in a way that would be contagious to others. It's not like she was feverish or throwing up. At least not for most of those absences. As for not wanting to go to school, she loves school!
reply by maggiemae on Nov 8, 2012 1:40 AM ()

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