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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Parenting & Family > Pets > Step by Step - Slow and Steady Wins the Race ...

Step by Step - Slow and Steady Wins the Race ...

For the past few weeks we all have been consumed with our new pets. They have been very entertaining to say the least! If I'm honest I think we all needed a good few laughs around here. The cat and dog love each other and play together all day long, they both will actually go and find each other - it's so cute to see :). I always wanted to have an indoor dog and a cat, but with the kids being so little and demanding, the time was never just right! I knew persuading Roger would be the hardest thing, but FIL, the kids and I all ganged up on him and pushed him out of the decision making lol. He's not upset though, he's has enjoyed teasing the cat no end ha!

We took the dog to get his vacinations yesterday afternoon, he was good as gold, but the vet prefered not to micro-chip him on his first visit because it would have been too much for him. She gave him a free lung worm meds. They're normally priced at £21.86, and dogs have to have it monthly. I admit I was a bit phased by the cost of these meds he has to have, but lung worm is a killer, and it prone to South Wales. This worm and it's lavae are carried on slugs, snails, fox's, frogs and Toads. *All of which are in and out of my garden on a daily basis*. It goes without saying - the dog will have to have that medicine every month. it can also be passed onto other animals, so I'm going to have to do some saving for the cat as well.

I assumed that once buddy had this 1st vaccination, I could take him out on a walk right away; the vet said he can't go out until a week after his 2nd lot of vaccinations. Gutted, but it's better to be safe that sorry. In the meantime, buddy is getting used to the leash indoors. I found and old piece of rope and secured it to his collar. I'm using the rope because he likes chewing and I don't want him to ruin his lead while he is learning. His lesson entails, just walking freely without me holding the lead around the house so that he gets used to it, and hopefuly will eventually dis-regard the rope. Of course i'll take it off when im not around him, I don't want him to hurt himself. But while I'm here, he can bond with it safely.
The 2nd part of the training programe, will be to manover him from one room matter of factly using the rope. This won't be for a few days yet, he's only just getting used to tugging his own neck when he steps on the rope. So far he's doing marvellous, he was a bit freaked out at first which is natural, he's never been walked in his life!!! He ran about watching the rope following him, tickled himself pink - but now he's bored with it already, He's showing no frustration or obsession which im happy with. Slowly but surely we are getting closer to those long walks together - me and my Buddy :)

posted on Sept 15, 2010 3:34 AM ()


It all takes a lot of 'patience and love' . . . . . . . ( a wad of cash also helps)! It is sooo (tryng to think of another 'word' to use instead of 'nesasary'- sort of got it . . . ) - much 'required', to get then treated for lung-worm.
. . . (the spelling of'that' word, refuses, to sink in my brain) - yes, Lyniessouflette, I dooooooo, have one
comment by febreze on Sept 15, 2010 3:22 PM ()
It's always good to know you have a brain, it comesin handy on times
reply by lynniesouffle on Sept 16, 2010 4:49 PM ()
That medicine will really add up over time, but sounds like it's a must-have.
comment by troutbend on Sept 15, 2010 8:26 AM ()
I think you right, my dog is eating slugs like they're 'Escargot' lol. He thinks he's a posh pooch
reply by lynniesouffle on Sept 16, 2010 4:51 PM ()

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