My last dog Tess, died to Cancer about 3 months ago! We were so sickend! 2nd dog in the last 10 yrs to pass away from illnesses we couldn't controll! Theres nothing much else you could say about how you 'really' feel about your pet passing on - especially if you couldn't cure the disease! Sicken-saddened is an understatement :( ...
...We were juggling around a few ideas about getting a new dog; Our fast paced lifelstyle couldn't endure more responsibilities - surely!?!?
Yet... it wasn't until - say the past month that we felt a dog would suit this un-predictable way of living!
We (DH + I ) knew of '1 of my 'achilies heels' - *Lack of exercise through injury and the dreaded weight gain* and agreed to deal with it. When my knee went on me 'this time, I cried - SO FREAKIN HARD! 'Not again please!!! Not because of the pain, but because of the length of time it takes to 'GET BACK TO NORMAL'. "Normal weight, Normal activity - A Normal Me :/ ...
Me without me might aswell don't exist!!!!
It drives me nuts not doing anything;
Sitting in the dojo, taking names and money; sending e.mails and so what to the Association for this and that is 'meaningless' if you can't participate!! It's *Maddening* .
Karate is what I do! Karate is what I'll always do - in what ever form - so why all these 'knockbacks'????
We now have 'Lucky' - my 11 wk old Whippet; a nice 'timid' lil guy dog who maybe able to aid me with recovery therapy after the PCL reconstruction opperation. He will 'eventually' assist me in the walking side of things that I like doing... will predictably be a great assit in that sence! No pulling-but enough to deter any 'weirdo's' - like the ones that have stopped by cars before now! No-one in their right mind will approach a woman with a dog no matter how crazy they think they are.... I hope!
Poor Lady Marmalade who just got recused this morning from a 'cat knapper' - wishes she was back there!!! :(
I'm getting both Micro-chipped soon, it's just makes 'much more sence'. [nods]
I like Whippets to be honest - they are the same temperament of a Spaniel and Greyhound/Lurcher - they need to be occupied and exercised regularly (they're a working dog). I've had two in my life - very loyal animal. The kitten and Buddy will become firm friends
You haven't told me abut the 'Cat - Knapper'! What that about?????