Sitting in the dojo - on the sidelines, reading all your blogs. I have to say I've really enjoyed myself. This could be the re-fueling of an old habit, but it is worth every minute I spend in here because your posts are all so inspiring to me.
I worked hard all day sorting out a myriad of karate chores, it was all a sit down job - all mind work, nothing physical as such. I feel like my butt is spreading with each passing moment. It doesn't help my knee because it seizes up and in turn I end up walking like a cripple lol. If I had a pound for evetytime my brother said 'gawd yer like and old woman'. Ha! (Can't be helped)
15 minutes left, then I can leave for home. I haven't thought that far ahead as to what I'm going to do when I get there, I got so much energy to burn up - probably clean the house from top to bottom lol. X
Hows the kitten getting on? I have got, to try and catch up on the replies to my comments - lately I have been 'here, there and everywhere'. Over the next couple of months, we are going to be more or less, re-landscaping the whole garden and down the side too. Busy, busy, busy