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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > I Dance to My Beat!

I Dance to My Beat!

It's not what you think, I'm not talking about a *song*, I'm talking about Me pushing through tiredness! Push Push Push! If it don't make no sense - don't worry about it because I'm not ha! *As long as 'I' know what I mean* :P
I really do think I'll sleep the whole weekend away! It was non-stop action since like 2 weeks ago. WORK WORK WORK - 'On and On and On. If you asked me how many meals I ate in the past 2 weeks, I could probably say about 5 proper meals, actually I think - no... yes - about 5[nods] the rest was *Snacking* :/ *My bad*.

I spent this evening in the dojo with a fellow Exec' going over the diary for the next 9 months. This weekend and next, exc Xmas are the only weekends we have 'Off' from work. There was no way around it no matter what! The work couldn't be shared. This new commitee has specific guidlines to ensure the sucess of our association and one of them is to *full-fill* your role! It's hard going...especially since I can't play a 'Physical' role at this time in the events at this time. Nevertheless I suck it in and deal with 'EVERY' issue that arises and I make sure the other do theirs aswell.

At the moment I am the National + International correspondant, at times I feel like I'm searching for the Invisible man when it comes to locating the 'Organizer' for a European events! It can be daunting, but I get it done!
Home life itself also has it's place; Issues at home come calling - as usual. We 'All 9 of us' know how each other 'tick', we all share the same way of life. It's all 'fast paced', busy busy busy from dawn til dusk. To an 'outsider' it could seem harsh, un-organized and chaotic; but thats what we all do! We live the fast life, because we have too, thats the life *we* choose.
There are times when people can and will bring you back to your sences, I love these people because they love me enough to tell me that 'Im being wrong', it stops me in my tracks, but It was enough to say, Hey your right! I've been a bit harsh there!
Sometimes I think 'All' of us need to take a step back and see the things from others point of view and see that these people are actually saving us....

Who's saving you???

posted on Oct 1, 2010 4:03 PM ()


They sounded like a (don't know the collective noun for them) 'group' of campanologists were jamming away with their speakers on full volume
I can remember something about aunty (Jenny) Ginny over colouring her hair - it was nanna, who lent her the 'turban'. It was a dark brown hat, which completely covered the hair - can you remember it? She always wore it when she came to visit.
Ginny was always my 'favourite' aunty whilst I was growing up - she had an amazing sense of humour and personality that youg girls of 'teenage' especially, could relate to. this was because she was one of the 'younger' sisters - it was her, that persuaded my mum to allow me to 'socialize' with boys - up until then, I was not even allowed to 'talk' to one! (I kid you not)!
Yep, I am proud to think I may have acquired one or two genes from her, wonderful woman
comment by febreze on Oct 3, 2010 10:29 AM ()
- I'm 'beyond' redemption . . . lol

comment by febreze on Oct 2, 2010 10:45 AM ()
We're your ears ringing today? I was talking with Aunty Peggy on FB, Sh was telling me about the time Aunty Ginny dyed her hair and then it all fell out and had to ware a turban for weeks and weeks. I laughed so hard!! I went on t say about the time you bleached your hair and then insisted on having a perm straight after, only to find your hair came out with the perm rods . You too are definately of the same breed
reply by lynniesouffle on Oct 3, 2010 9:21 AM ()

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