I am not sure what has been up the last couple of weeks. Maybe it is that we have been so busy at work. Perhaps it is the fact that my allergies have been acting up. Perhaps is that I have had a lot on my plate as I have been working on my campaign and trying to finalize things for the new class I am teaching in the fall. Whatever it is, evening comes by, and I just crash!
I have to fight to stay awake until midnight. Then, in the morning, the alarm goes off. It is pure torture. I feel like I have just fallen asleep. I am still drained, and it takes everything in me to drag myself out of bed and get the day started.
The good news is that once I am done with my bike ride and workout, I am ready to face the day. It is just when I get home and start to relax that the exhaustion kicks in again.
Hopefully, things will settle down a bit more this week. I have been trying to catch up on my sleep this weekend.