Looks like our Martin is continuing to do really well!
How was everyone's weekend?
Hope it was better than mine. Whew!!! Been on a merry-go-round since Friday.
Well, Marty is doing WELL!!! He may be released shortly. His prognosis is encouraging for the heart procedure. His surgeon did not recommend any rehab and will be going directly home. Marty wasn't too keen on this decision since he feels he would need some sort of hands on supervision for the first week or two. He will get daily visits from nurses for a week or so to change the dressings but no home care type of service. Well we'll cross that bridge when we come to that. I visited with him today for a while, we took several walks along the corridors and even went down to McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin.. He was allowed to.
Will report again tomorrow..
Martin wishes me to inform all of you that he appreciates your well wishes.