Mr. fox looks really ragged right now. Quakers looks really great with the water drops on him.
Laura, I sent you a pm and ask if you remember the post with humming birds eating on a lady's hand. I can't find it now. I sure would like to copy the pictures for a friend that would love them.
Hey! Ya'll getting rain? I see on the news Vegas is getting flash floods. We got a little rain for about an hour yesterday afternoon
The title was supposed to be--"The tiny cabin in West Va."
I would love to live in that red cabin. I like my place, and it's pretty secluded, but not as pretty as "the little red cabin."
I needed that laugh, thank you Eddie
I hope Ted is alright. Jeri have you heard anything from Sue (Susil) lately? I tried to call her on phone awhile ago (maybe 30 min), didn't get an answer. We don't talk to each other any more. She got mad, called here and my dil answered. She don't trust me anymore. All I wanted was to be friendly. She has a great writing talent for writing. BTW, I am editor of a monthly church newsletter. I send sue one. If you will send me your address I will get one out to you and put you on the mailing list if you like.
Like them all!!!
When I was a kid(yes I was once) and wished for the day, week, month or year to be over, my Mom would tell me to quit wishing my life away.
Great post
Its 90 and 53% humidity here
Just goes to show anyone can fowl up
I don't want to be negative, but I hope the shots help him more than they did me. I assume you're talking epidural.
I will be waiting to see that picture of the fox (real and stuffed)
Good poem Tim. I watch for your post because I enjoy them