So I went to get fitted for my wedding dress this past Friday. I knew I had gained weight seeing as I have been feasting like I have never eaten before since Thanksgiving. MY bad! So I was in my fitting room and I tried to put on the slip that fit me perfectly in October. I couldn't get it over the thighs. *Sigh* I knew this was going to happen but it's always a smack in the face when you hafta face the fact that you are a fatty McGee. So, I asked for a slip two sizes up. I feared what the dress would be like and I asked them how far it could be let out... Well, I got the new LARGER slip on and then had the dress on... IT ZIPPED UP! Can you believe it? I couldn't, but I was quite relieved that I wasn't going to have to start over in a dress... But when I think about it, how many people gain weight before their wedding? I think most of us would diet diet diet to make sure the dress would fit... I, however, truly enjoy food. haha
We are moving in 4 days. I am still up in NY enjoying the final few days of my "vacation". My parents will be here on Thursday AM, then my mom said she'd accompany me back to VA to help R and I pack, clean, and unpack... Cool deal hey? I was super excited she offered that!!!
The wedding planning is coming along. It seems that there is still a lot to do but, well, it's getting there. I guess that's all I can ask for!
Soooo that's whats going on in my world. It's been sooo nice here in my bubble, but the time is approaching when I have to face reality once again... Happy Tuesday peeps!