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Life & Events > Boring > Talking to Myself ...

Talking to Myself ...

So this whole quitting smoking thing… I have done it before. I have reaped the benefits of breathing easier, not REEKING, yadda yadda yadda, yet I am having a heck of a time this time…

Some of my reasons that I try to think about before lighting up, but never work:

-When I work out in the mornings, it’s much easier to do without hacking
- I won’t stink
- I will be able to breath with ease
- I will be the healthy me I can be
- Animals suffer at the hands of Philip Marlboro in terms of testing

I also realized that in the past, I have given up meat, cheese (not currently but I did that for 2 years), coffee, soda, caffeine in general, and eggs.
I mean seriously, I can give all that up but still struggle with the smoking?

I guess part of it is since I am dieting, I sometimes tell myself – ok, no chocolate right now but I will have a smoke instead. It’s kinda like a replacement for eating what I want. Ridiculous no?

I really enjoyed the few times I worked out in the morning without hacking up a lung. I mean, really, that was just nice. R has quit. I asked him if it bothers him that I reek and he says no, but I think he’s just being nice. I need to get on his bandwagon and say ADIOS filthy pricey cancer sticks!!!

But for some reason it’s just not working.

Whether I think I can or whether I think I can’t, I am right. (Thanks Dad!) haha

True though!

posted on Feb 7, 2008 12:18 PM ()


Good Luck! I can't imagine how hard it must be to quit! b-t-w I've missed these icons!
comment by sexysadie on Feb 7, 2008 4:42 PM ()
You know I quit 28 years ago and I was smoking about a pack or so a day. I did it in a really odd way, I reduced what I smoked by one cigarette a day till I got down to 4, then I just said forgetit when I finished the pack. Everyone has to do it their own way. You hang in there!
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 7, 2008 2:37 PM ()
We'll never see things the same way with respect to meat/animal rights (unless you come to your senses, heh), but I hope you can stop smoking. We can discuss the merits of lean versus fatty meats and how the former *is* healthy, but there's no debate when it comes to the dangers of smoking -- there's not "good smoking" just bad smoking. I think smoking is more physiological than psychological for many people, which is why some people have a much more difficult time quitting. Don't give up and don't discount any routes to success even if it means trying some of the medications now available. Good luck.
comment by vladimir on Feb 7, 2008 1:57 PM ()
its that psychological need. thats what keeps me from quitting. if they could find a way to combat the psychological aspect alot more people would be able to quit. good luck.
comment by elkhound on Feb 7, 2008 12:41 PM ()
Both my ex in-laws quit "cold-turkey" after 50 years. Just one day stopped. I would have lost money on that one!
comment by eddie on Feb 7, 2008 12:40 PM ()

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