I found out yesterday that big changes are coming at my day job. And of course, since it's my world, they are not for the better. I will be the sole support for three very needy execs. I. will. lose. my. freakin. mind.
So I am set in motion. I am trying to change my world STAT. I am applying for random things. I am going to get outta there even earlier than planned if it's the last thing I do. I already can't stand it, add more people to support and I am going to blow up. Go postal. Quit one random day. Something along those lines.
I got pissed at my mom yesterday too. I told her what was going on with the job and she was like well they must think you can handle it. I said well they are gonna learn that I will not be handling it very soon. Her concern was: Make sure Dad gets the rent on time. AKA do not quit. AKA stay miserable. I was so pissed.
I took a mental health day today because I couldn't stand the thought of being there. I took a lot of time to apply to anything and everything... Please keep your fingers crossed that something pans out, and quickly!!!
Happy Friday. Bleh.