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Politics & Legal > Just Can't

Just Can't

This world is killing me. Actually, America is killing me. The people who support Trump are killing me. I was just thinking after talking with my Trump loving father maybe I should just skip Christmas at their house. They are both in full support of Trump and all his actions. Is that enough to separate us?

I have been depressed these past few days as it seems the hits keep coming, and coming and coming and coming and I don't see a reprieve. I am trying to keep the faith that we will have enough sane people voting to get rid of the giant cheeto but then ... we had enough people vote to get him in in the first place. Soooooo he could be elected again.

I have been asking Ron (it's recently gone up to begging) to look for a job in Canada, STAT. He has some great computer skills... lets take them to another country. Is it wrong to want to get the hell out of here? I can't imagine that this country is tearing kids from their parents. I can't fathom that there has just been yet another shooting - the latest perhaps inspired by the freak Milo Yiannopoulos... the war the president is putting on Democrats and the free press and our allies and.... school shootings that aren't going to end. What about all that have died? Will my kiddos be statistics in the end?

I have self medicated a bit, I know that isn't the answer but dear gawd I need to leave my brain. More now than ever.

Just the latest in the land of my brain.

posted on June 28, 2018 1:09 PM ()


OK, You stay and fight, I'll go to Canada and enjoy the outdoors without all the restrictions we have here.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 5, 2018 10:36 AM ()
Donna's sister abandoned her completely over *rump. Sis unfriended me on fb along with Donna's daughter and anybody else connect with her. Unfortunately, supporting *rump says too much about the character of the supporters. Tough to say more since your parents are on the list, but there does seem to be a profile that supporters fit into.
As for self-medicating: that won't change anything. Personally, I let *it* be unless there is some sort of action I plan to take on an issue. I know that's tough to do for a caring person and somebody with kids going/almost going to school, but the alternative doesn't solve anything. I know a bunch of Canadians through youtube and Canada has it's advantages. Certainly wouldn't be anything wrong with working there!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 29, 2018 9:46 AM ()
Agreed. I want to go!!! But also think I should stay and fight... right?
reply by kristilyn3 on Sept 5, 2018 5:36 AM ()
I understand how you feel completely because I feel the same way. There is no reasoning with anyone who is drinking the trump koolaide. this nation has become hateful and mean and I don't like the person it is turning me into because I do care while the first lady runs around in a coat th at says she doesn't care. argh !
comment by elderjane on June 29, 2018 5:24 AM ()
I saw something about her coat, it could have been a direct message to her husband because she probably wasn't supposed to go. Just a theory I read but I like it and I want to believe it.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 29, 2018 5:26 AM ()
One would hope that families could agree to not discuss politics at holiday gatherings, but sometimes that's easier said than done.
comment by traveltales on June 28, 2018 7:36 PM ()
we do try to avoid conversations, we do.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 29, 2018 5:27 AM ()
I know what you mean. Today I was thinking I can't stand any more of this constant drama and the anxiety I feel about whether things will be okay, and the longer he's in office, the worse it gets, and the more obvious it is that he's not going to be kicked out. Increasingly, I feel like our votes don't matter, and all the elections from now on will be rigged to benefit the wealthy 1%, no matter what we try to do.

What did me in was the Supreme Court thing, and the realization that the various federal judges including Court of Appeals and Supreme Court are appointed for life, so regardless of which party is in power, Trump's taint on America will last longer than I will live. It's worse for you, because you are thinking about your children's future.
comment by traveltales on June 28, 2018 7:35 PM ()
I feel like there are so many fighting against the evil yet the evil just keeps on winning, leading to gloating which irritates me.
I am trying to keep my mental state positive, like all of this crap is leading us to really get together and say FU at the polls. Dare to dream.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 29, 2018 5:28 AM ()
Girl, I feel ya! I read several posts on social media about how we are supposed to feel the same about people who voted for Trump especially friends and family. And I can’t follow this advice. I can’t feel the same about them knowing they support a man who is tearing apart our country for financial gain. Are they not paying attention? Are they not able to hear the lies and contradictions? Seriously, separating families is okay? Is morally right? Is constitutionally right? And I just want to scream when Christians use the Bible to justify these atrocities. .... (taking a deep breath).

Hugs, girly-girl. Sending love from the West Coast. And best wishes if you get that job in Canada!
comment by sexysadie on June 28, 2018 1:52 PM ()
AMEN Sista. I don't think we will return to a "normal" anytime soon. Which is so sad when I think about the kiddos and their future. It truly takes the wind out of my sails on repeat when I think about it all.
ALAS! I also realize this might just be the force we all need to take over. We should ALL run or support someone first hand who is running. We need to be the change we are seeking.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 29, 2018 5:30 AM ()

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