"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." - Hitler
I admit it. Sometimes, even I am willing to think that maybe, just maybe, even people who have shown absolutely no desire to think something through because it may conflict with their desired emotional state can still be reasoned with if presented with facts. Of course, up to this point, each time I have thought that I have been soundly disappointed, but yet I still try.
This time, I will attempt, once more, to reason with Obama supporters. Even those who pretty much pray to him.
First, Obama's plan for healthcare. I have some experience with universal health care. Chances are I have more experience than Obama. I have relatives that have lived with universal health care all their lives. Let me point out some observations Obama won't tell you.
1) It's expensive. You think Obama's going to save you money? My relatives live in Canada. Their taxes hurt. Canada likes to take care of "low-income" people (welfare) while punishing those who actually make money. As my Canadian relatives would say "yeah, healthcare is 'free' as long as you don't think paying in advance counts." Three provinces get to enjoy a sales tax rate of 13%. People complain if they have to pay the "full" 7% that most parts of NJ have to pay (for example).
2) The government can't run anything right. Again, look to Canada to see what kind of treatment you can expect. What happens now when some people get freebie healthcare? That's right, they run to the emergency room every single time their little kid gets a paper cut. Do you think illegals pay for the services they are given? Nope, but they make use of them. Who pays? Taxpayers, and those who have to pay bills themselves. Hospitals are businesses, and they want to get paid. Think lines are long now? Not a chance. In many places in Canada, doctors skip town to come down here to set up shop because they know they can make money here. So that leaves fewer doctors to take care of paying citizens there.
3) Ironically enough, while I spent time in Canada, and for a time before that, up to the present time, there is a movement to try and get....wait for it....a healthcare system more like OURS available. If universal healthcare is that great, why the need to supplement or replace it?
4) Do you actually think that Obama or any others of "the rich" will keep themselves under the plan they give you? Oh no they won't. They will make sure they have their own doctors and their own medical needs taken care of in a fashion much different than what you'll be given. If you think Obama will stand in an emergency room line for days on end (as many have had to), you are truly deluded.
Second, Obama, much as you may hate to hear it, is racist. Have you ever read his autobiography, those of you who support him? Well, here is an article by someone who has, and she says the same thing I've heard from others who have read it.
Obama's worldview sees U.S. history as a consistent tale of oppressors and oppressed. He objects to the public schools because black kids are learning "someone else's history. Someone else's culture."
He even criticizes his white grandparents, who worked hard to give him a privileged life. Their motives are a mystery to Obama because they came from the "landlocked center" of the United States, which, he asserts, is full of "suspicion and the potential for unblinking cruelty."
Obama grew up in Hawaii, the exemplar of a melting pot of races, yet he sees it as a place of "aborted treaties and crippling diseases brought by the missionaries." Although his mixed race was not a handicap in Hawaii, he whined that "we were always playing on the white man's court ... by the white man's rules."
One day his grandmother, while waiting for a bus to take her to work, was accosted by a panhandler. She gave him a dollar, but he aggressively demanded more – and she was scared because he looked like he might hit her.
When Obama learned that the panhandler was black, he said the news hit him "like a fist in my stomach." Obama objected to the fact that his grandmother was "scared of a black man," and his resentment at her (not at the panhandler) was such a big deal that he referred to this incident repeatedly.
Someone else's history? Obama obviously doesn't believe America's history is his own. You think someone like that should lead the country?
If I told you that "I'm voting for McCain because he's white," you'd call me a racist. Yet, most blacks are voting for Obama and have no problem admitting that they are doing so because of his color. Yet, they are not called racist. How do you justify such a double standard?
What about Obama hiding the fact that he's been a card-carrying member of a Socialist party? If you are truly a thinking person, and not just someone who wants to believe in something good, you would take everything that has been brought out about Obama and use it to get a true picture of him. Nothing I have seen in this campaign makes me think he would be good for this country. In fact, the more that is unearthed about him, the worse he looks. Don't fall for the slick image and don't ignore it. Use it and make a wise decision, not a foolhardy one based on wishful thinking. You will only hurt people in doing so.
Next, ask yourself "who are the kinds of people that will vote for Obama?" I can name two groups that want Obama to win that should shine quite a bit of light on what you can really expect.
Welfare recipients and illegal aliens will want Obama to win. Why? Well, for one, the former group knows that if Obama wins, they get to keep their unearned entitlement money and may even get a nice little raise at some point. Illegals want him to win because they know he will be soft on them and basically give them everything they could want.
Again, who pays for both of these groups to be happy? Taxpayers.
And who are Obama supporters, really? Besides those two groups, who have absolutely no concern for taxpayers actually keeping the money that THEY worked for, let's see.
1) Well meaning but ignorant people. Let's face it: many who support Obama do so simply because they have a need to believe what he is saying. They want change, they want hope, they want an end to politics as usual. Unfortunately, their desires are not going to be fulfilled by Obama. They don't listen to facts that come up about him. They don't think long and hard about what he is really about. They don't question how he's going to achieve all these lofty and vague goals. They just comfort themselves by standing firm on the belief that he's as good as his word. The nice, peaceful, effortless way out. They may not be stupid, but they are ignorant and are willingly not using their intellect.
"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach." - Hitler
2) Racists. Simply put, if you are voting for a man because he is the same color as you, you are a racist. And just what do you think many blacks hope to get if Obama wins? Reparations? Preferential treatment? Think about it for awhile. Of course, there are many blacks who don't want Obama to win, and they are literate, intelligent, thoughtful people. When I look at representatives of both sides, the Obama supporters I've seen are either only concerned with his color or are bitter, hateful, incoherent, or racist. Those blacks I've seen that don't support him show deeper levels of thought and are more concerned with social justice and hate the "revenge against Whitey" mentality Obama supporters show.
3) Hateful people. So many Obama supporters are people who just plain hate. They hate the rich. They hate Bush. They hate conservatives. They just hate, hate, hate all those who challenge them or think in a different fashion. The level of pure, unadulterated hate I've seen from Obama supporters is astounding. Have an anti-Obama bumper sticker on your car? Don't let certain Obama supporters see it or your windows will be smashed in.
4) The truly biased. People who claim to be open-minded and tolerant love to make sure that only Obama's views are taught. People like this teacher who has his own little band of "Obama Youth" that call to mind images of the old "Hilter Youth" squads that were taught to revere Hitler. Again, how many Obama supporters even bother with opposing views with trying to "teach" people anything about current political events? Even Consumer Reports, in an article comparing the health plans of McCain vs. Obama revealed their bias. When talking about McCain's plans (mostly as negatives or inferior) they could be pretty specific, but when talking about Obama's plans (as positive and/or superior) their text was filled with "probably," "should," and other little words that can't help but reveal that although they support Obama, his plan is so insubstantial and vague that they can only guess at the supposed benefit it offers. "It 'may be' better, but we can't really say, but we want him to win so we'll work with what we have" seems to be the thought process behind many Obama supporters. Again, wishful thinking and clinging to a happy view is not logical or rational.
5) Baby killers. It's one thing to be pro-abortion, but Obama takes it a step further. He has decided, several times, that any baby surviving an abortion should be left to die. It doesn't matter that those babies could actually live and grow up (and have), or that many people who are even for abortion wouldn't go that far (and this is even further than partial-birth abortions). No, Obama is pretty clear on the matter than babies that are once determined to be worthless enough to kill should definitely die, even if they somehow survive the first attempt on their lives and are separate from the mother and still healthy. I've read the words of people like this who claim they hate, with a passion, the fact that Obama stands for such a hateful, vile action, and yet they will still vote for him for some other reason. I've heard it even from black Christian preachers and others who claim they follow Christianity. It crosses boundaries most people would think couldn't be crossed. Obama supporters are actually willing to sacrifice actual born infants in favor of whatever Obama promises. So how much, Obama supporters, would it take for you to take a newly born baby and put him or her on a cold metal tray to starve or dehydrate to death, suffering the entire time? The answer, for you, is whatever it is that will still make you vote for Obama.
Lastly, one more set of facts so you can know that the one you listen to is a manipulating liar. You think you're going to really nail the "rich" when you vote for Obama? Despite the fact that Obama IS one of "the rich?" Take a look at this article and see if what Obama tells you lines up with the facts.
So, what do "the rich" pay in federal income taxes? Nothing, right? That, at least, is what most people think. And Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wants to raise the top marginal rate for "the rich" – known in some quarters as "job creators."
A recent poll commissioned by Investor's Business Daily asked, in effect, "What share do you think the rich pay?" Their findings? Most people are completely clueless about the amount the rich actually do pay.
First, the data. The top 5 percent (those making more than $153,542 – the group whose taxes Obama seeks to raise) pay 60 percent of all federal income taxes. The rich (aka the top 1 percent of income earners, those making more than $388,806 a year), according to the IRS, pay 40 percent of all federal income taxes. The top 1 percent's taxes comprise 17 percent of the federal government's revenue from all sources, including corporate taxes, excise taxes, social insurance and retirement receipts.
Now, what do people think the rich pay? The IBD/TIPP poll found that 36 percent of those polled thought the rich contribute 10 percent or less of all federal income taxes. Another 15 percent thought the rich pay between 10 and 20 percent, while another 10 percent thought the rich's share is between 20 and 30 percent. In other words, most people thought the rich pay less – far less – than they actually do. Only 12 percent of those polled thought the rich pay more than 40 percent.
Oh, and just in case you think the article writer may be a "racist," take a look at his picture. He's black. Obama not only lies and uses the class warfare tactic, which apparently works very well, but he does so brazenly. Instead of hating "the rich" who end up making many, many jobs that people need to survive, why not turn that anger towards those who, like Obama, believe that Americans are all unthinking sheep that can be led around by the nose? Hating the rich is a pointless act of jealousy, and one that neither harms them nor benefits you. While you do everything you can, which, sad to say for you is absolutely nothing, to take them down a notch, they chuckle and have their accountants do whatever it is they do to keep them rich and make them richer. Voting to put a rich Democrat into a position in order to hurt the rich is like being a mouse trying to use a cat to chase away another cat. You just end up having two cats to go up against in that case.
And if you want to talk compassion, take a look at the last bit of that article:
In 2007, President George W. Bush and his wife had an adjusted gross income of $923,807. They paid $221,635 in taxes, and donated $165,660 to charity – or 18 percent of their income. Vice President and Mrs. Cheney, in 2007, had a taxable income of $3.04 million. And they paid $602,651 in taxes, and donated $166,547 to charity – or 5.5 percent of their income.
Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, earned between $200,000 and $300,000 a year between 2000 and 2004, and they donated less than 1 percent to charity. When their income soared to $4.2 million in 2007, their charitable contributions went up to 5 percent.
Joe and Jill Biden, by contrast, made $319,853 and gave $995 to charity in 2007, or 0.3 percent of their income. And that was during the year Biden was running for president. Over the past 10 years, the Bidens earned $2,450,042 and gave $3,690 to charity – or 0.1 percent of their income.
So let's sum up. The "compassionate" liberals – at least based on charitable giving – show less compassion than "hardhearted" conservatives. The rich pay more in income taxes than people think. Voters, clueless about the facts, want the rich to pay still more.
Huh...well what do you know? Liberals who are all talk. Go figure. The hated Bush (and no, I hardly like him) gave more than three times the percentage of his income to charity that the beloved "Messiah" Obama did (while making less money). So who takes care of the poor more in action? The one who gives more and says less or the one who says more and does less? Come on, Obama lovers, even you can't be so filled with hate that you can't admit Obama is more show than go here. If you can't, you are already deluded beyond hope of recovery.
I know this blog post is long. Very long, but that's only because there is so much to say and so little time in which to say it. Obama has shown himself to be nothing more than the typical leftist liar. He's a "standard" politician who stumbled upon the catch phrase people want to hear right now, and he's milking it for all it is worth. He's playing the same game that all politicians play, and just happens to be very good at it.
One last link: Why don't you see how your views actually compare with Obama's? I differed with him about 96%. Some who have taken this little quiz were surprised to see that Obama doesn't represent their views at all. They are from the "intelligent but ignorant" group that haven't spent any real time looking at the true Obama but just going with the flow of his promises.
Please, before voting for Obama, at least do us all the service of actually looking at his voting record, thinking about the reality of what he is saying and not just falling for the hype. Really look at him with a critical eye and ignore the seductive lure of sleepily following him because of his smooth, empty words.
At this point in our country, the only way we are going to ever have a "different" politician is to completely ignore the two major parties and vote third party. That is the only "change" that will actually matter. This year, I may be stuck voting for McCain, but for every other office in my state, I'll be voting the Constitution Party. The only thing Obama is right about is the need for change. However, he is hardly the agent of that change. We need people who are not career politicians playing the politics game to get power for themselves. We need people who are actually still "one of us" and will more than likely do a far better job representing our interests.
You want change? Forget the Democrats and forget the Republicans. They are all too entrenched and "business as usual." Let's elect a new party with new, fresh faces and new ideas.
*That* would be audacity.
"Posted previously on Blogster by "Citizen outcast and reprinted with permission"
Still not convinced? Watch this video.......
Still not convinced? Well then, see you in the gulag Comrade.
(more than) Just my opinion (the cold hard facts),
Obama isn't calling for Universal healthcare, so the first 1/5 is quite irrelevent.
Calling Obama a racist, is laughable at best. so there goes another 1/5th.
Socialist party carries cards...
Then the great Tax confusion. Oh how I love this one. The way they focus on Income taxes while ignoring the meager 15% capital gains tax, But I won't get into capital gains tax, or how the GAO found that during the Bush years 2/3 of corporations claimed 0 taxable liability for at least one year, 1/3 for 2 or more years. Oh oops already did...
Donating to Charity is a tax-reducer. So is moving corporations in which you are invested in (Hallibear, anyone, anyone, Bueler...) to countries which are only required to keep records for 12 months and don't have to pay U.S. taxes at all (on the income provided by us the taxpayer, for cost plus contracts to do things like a load of laundry for $99 each, or around $40 for a case of coke-cola for our troops, or to supply them water which they didn't even cholorinate, potentially sickening our troops)
McBush is a continuation of the same. 250,000 more forclosures a month, a war we shouldn't be in in Iraq, Torture, wiretaps, voter suppression, contracts to croynistic pals, ignoring infrastructure, natural disasters, poor treatment of U.S. Veterans, and on and on. There is no good reason to support McCain. Not one. I can't hardly follow what his positions are, they change daily (really, really old people do that sometimes...especially if they are bought out puppets)